Bids Are Invited For School Laboratory Items 1 Optical Bench 1 Kph 162 / 1 Optical Bench ( Metal Double Rod ) , Brass Pipe, 1Meter Long ( Half Shaper Riders ) . 2 Electromagnet 1 3 Sonometer Board 1 Lkph 145 / 2 Meter Scale, One Meter, Superior Quality ( Wooden ) . 4 Converging Lens 2 Lkph 045 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Convex Lens ( Exact ) 5 Convex Mirror 2 Lkph 046 / 1 Convex Mirror, F.L.15Cm, Dia 50Mm 6 Galvanometer 2 Lkph 084 / 3 Galvanometer, ( Dc With Stand ) 30-0-30, Edm80, ( Square ) . 7 P.N Jection Diode Forword 1 Lkph 265 / 3 Voltmeter ( Edm-80 ) Square Dial, Dc, Range 10 Volt 8 Transistore 1 9 Glycerin Bottel 1 10 Connecting Wire 1 Lkbi 051 / 3 Watch Glass Dia 3 ( Superior Quality Per Dozen ) 11 Hno3 2 Bottles N10730 Nitric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -70 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 12 Hcl 2 Bottles H11229 Hydrochloric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) - 35% ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 13 H2so4 2 Bottles S15130 Sulphuric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -97 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 14 Spirit Forspirit Lamp 4 Bottles L20129 Lamposolv ( For Spirit Lamp ) , 500 Ml 15 Nh3 2 Bottles A11689 Ammonia Solution 10% ( 10% Nh3 ) , 500 Ml 16 Pan ( Small Geman Metalskillet ) 2Nos Not Available 17 Agno3 500Ml S61579 Silver Nitrate Solution N / 50, 500 Ml Chemistry Physics 18 Ch3cooh 500Ml A10129 Acetic Acid Glacial - 99.5%, 500 Ml 19 Chcl3 500Ml C11829 Chloroform - 99%, 500 Ml 20 Ccl4 500Ml Item 13430-500Ml, Carbon Tetrachloride Lr-500Ml 21 H202 500Ml H20379 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 3% W / V ( 10 Vol. ) , 500 Ml 22 Tollensprocess 500Ml T33271 Tollens Reagent, 100 Ml 23 Borax Powder 500Ml B11829 Di-Sodium Tetraborate ( Borax ) - 99%, 500 Gm 24 ( Nh4 ) 2 S 500Ml Y12029 Yellow Ammonium Sulphide Solution ( Ammonium Sulphide Solution Yellow ) , 500 Ml 25 Ammonuimacetate 500Ml A11829 Ammonium Acetate - 96%, 500 Gm 26 Starch Letter 20 S44950 Starch Iodide Paper, 100 Is 27 Ch3oh 500Ml M12029 Methanol ( Methyl Alcohol ) Acetone Free ( Suitable For Stains & Indicators ) - 99%, 500 Ml 28 Ethenol 500Ml Testing Solution, 500Ml 29 Ninhydrin 500Ml N40971 Ninhydrin Solution, 125 Ml 30 Cyric Ammoniumnitrate 500Ml A15617 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate - 98%, 100 Gm 31 Naocl 500Ml S10683 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution- ( Available Chlorine 5% W / V ) , 1 L 32 2, 4 Di Nitrophenyl Hygiene 500Ml D10809 2, 4 - Dinitro Phenylhydrazine, 25 Gm 33 Nano2 500Ml S15729 Sodium Nitrite - 96%, 500 Gm 34 1 .Nephthol 500Ml N40871 Naphthol Alpha Solution ( Alpha Naphthol Solution ) , 125 Ml 35 Aluminunsulfate 500Ml A11429 Aluminium Sulphate - 98%, 500 Gm 36 2-Nephthol 500Ml N40871 Naphthol Alpha Solution ( Alpha Naphthol Solution ) , 125 Ml ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #39 ) 37 Khso4 500Ml P12229 Potassium Bisulphate - 99% ( Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 38 Spegula 5 Nos Lkch 058 / 3 Spatula S.S. ( Spoon Type ) , 6, Heavy Quality 39 Filter Paper 20 Nos Item 12950-250Ml, Bromine Lr-250Ml 40 Ki 1 Bottles P14317 Potassium Iodide - 99%, 100 Gm 41 Potassiumdichromater 1 Bottles P12129 Potassium Dichromate - 99.5%, 500 Gm 42 Carbondisulfide 1 Bottles C11329 Carbon Disulphide - 99%, 500 Ml 43 Platinum Paper 20 Nos 44 H2s Water 500Ml 45 Burette Stand With Clamp 10 Nos 46 Pipet ( 10 Ml ) 10 Nos 47 Conical Fulask ( 250Ml ) Borosilicate 10 Nos 48 Molis Process ( 100 Ml ) 1 Nps 49 Benedict Process ( 100Ml ) 1 Nos 50 Ph Scale Charts 1 Nos 51 Other Lab Charts 1 Nos 52 Function 1Nos Specs Not Clear 53 Dissection Box 10 Lkbi 007 / 3 Dissection Box ( 17 Instruments ) , Surgeon Make, Deluxe Quality 54 Calciumnitrate 500Ml C10929 Calcium Nitrate - 98%, 500 Gm 55 Boric Acid 500Ml B11729 Boric Acid - 99.5%, 500 Gm 56 Sucrose 500Ml S39929 Sucrose, 500 Gm 57 Cotton Blue 500Ml L11629 Lactophenol - Cotton Blue M.S., 500 Ml 58 24 Acetocarmine 500Ml A35671 Acetocarmine, 100 Ml 59 Phenosthelin 500Ml P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml 60 Sachil Disc 1 Biology 61 1M2 Tuadrate 1 62 Ph Indicatorleʃer 2 Packet I41056 Indicator Paper Ph 1-14 ( Full Range ) , 200 Is 63 Ph Indicatorsoluɵon 2 Bottles U40171 Universal Indicator Solution, 125 Ml 64 Flower Of Sunflower 1 Lkctf022 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Taxonomy Families: Asteraceae ( Compositae ) , Heliianthus Annuus ( Sunflower ) 65 Ext.Charactors Of Earth Worm 1 Lkcz032 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Annelida ( Black Raxine ) , Earthworm External Characters 66 Interstructure Of Earthworm 1 Lkcz033 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Annelida ( Black Raxine ) , Earthworm Internal Anatomy 67 Reproducɵve System Ofearthworm 1 Lkcz035 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Annelida ( Black Raxine ) , Earthworm Reproductive System 68 Ext. Charactors Of Cockrocach 1 Lkcz059 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Arthropoda ( Black Raxine ) , Cockroach External Character 69 Digesɵve Respiratory Sys. Ofcockrocach 1 Lkcz061 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Arthropoda ( Black Raxine ) , Cockroach Digestive System 70 Spirit Lamp 3 Bottle Lkcz203 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Mammals ( Black Raxine ) , Rat External Characters 71 T.S. Of Maize Stem 1 Lkcbo107educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Monocot Stem 72 T.S. Of Maize Root 1 Lkcbo105educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Monocot Root 73 T.S. Of Sunflower Root 1 Lkcbo104educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Dicot Root 74 T.S. Of Sumflower Of Stem. 1 Lkcbo106educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Dicot Stem ( Sunflower ) 75 Human Digestive System 1 Lkcha010 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Systems Of Human Body ( Black Raxine ) , Digestive System 76 Human Theeth Structure 1 Lkcha033 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Structures / Organs ( Black Raxine ) , Teeth 77 Human Respiratory Sys 1 Lkcha011 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Systems Of Human Body ( Black Raxine ) , Respiratory System 78 Human Heart And Cardiac Cycle 1 Lkcha017 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Structures / Organs ( Black Raxine ) , Heart 79 Big Beads ( Red ) 70 80 Big Beads ( Yellow ) 70 81 Big Beads ( Green ) 70 82 Big Beads ( White ) 70 83 Charani Set ( 2Mm, 0.05Mm, 0.002Mm ) 1 84 Wash Bottle 5 85 Setting Table 20 Nos 86 Mohohyloriol & Dihybrid Cross Charts 1 87 Measuring Slinder ( 25Ml ) 2 88 Human Skeleton ( Anterior And Posteriorview ) 1 Lkcha003 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Systems Of Human Body ( Black Raxine ) , Skeleton I ( Entire Skeleton, Vertebral Column & Skull ) 89 Glass Plate 4*3 5 Lkgp Glass Mirror Plate, 10Cm X 10Cm. 90 Watch Glass 5 Lkbi 051 / 3 Watch Glass Dia 3 ( Superior Quality Per Dozen ) 91 Fricɵon Bohdpasco 1 Lkph 023 Wooden Block With Hook, Rectangular, Size 100X75x15mm. 92 Spring Balance500 Hm 1 Lkph 238 / 2 Spring Balance, Tubular Acrylic 500Gm 93 Metes Scalewooden 1 Lkph 145 / 2 Meter Scale, One Meter, Superior Quality ( Wooden ) . 94 Youmges Modulusverniertype 1 Lkph 214 / 4 Searles Apparatus ( Young Modulus ) , Vernier Type. 95 Capilaiy Tube Setof 3 Difeekentbose 1 Lkph 676 Capillary Tube ( Set Of 3 Different Dia. ) 6 Length. 96 Viscecity App With Metal Stend, Glass Tube With Rubber Core And Thistle Funnel 1 Lkph 262 / 3 Viscosity Apparatus ( Stokes Law ) 1 Meter Tube Of 35Mm Dia To Fit In Provided Metal Stand ( Without Liquid ) Provided With Graduated Acrylic Tube ( Unbreakable ) 97 Bas Memget 1 Lkph 009 / 2 Bar Magnet Alnico Make, ( Superior Quality ) , 50X11x7mm ( 2 ) 98 Sonometer Board Withpan 1 Lkph 229 / 2 Sonometer, Teak Wood ( Brass Fitting ) . 99 Veltmete_Lou Mr80 2 Lkph 265 / 3 Voltmeter ( Edm-80 ) Square Dial, Dc, Range 5 Volt 100 Mili Ammete500 Ma Ma 80 2 Lkph 148 / 3 Milli-Ammeter Dc, Range 500Ma ( Edm-80 ) Square Physics Lab 101 B / Eliminat8 24Ol12 V 2Amp 1 Lkei 002 / 2 Battery Eliminators ( Superior Quality ) Dc, 2-12V Dc, 2Amp 102 Refostate :8 2 Lkph A201 / 8 Rheostat ( Brass Rod ) , 4.3Cm Dia Tube, Length 20Cms, 55 Ohms, 1.8 Amps 103 Plug Key 1Way 2 Lkph 176 / 2 Plug Key, One Way With ½” Brass Block, Superior Quality 104 Galvanometer30-0-30:M 80 3 Lkph 084 / 3 Galvanometer, ( Dc With Stand ) 30-0-30, Edm-80, ( Square ) . 105 Resistancecoils 1 Lkph 197 / 1 10 Round Bakelite Case. Range 10 Ohms 106 Potentionmete R 4 Wire 1 Lkph 197 / 1 10 Round Bakelite Case. Range 10 Ohms 107 Ladhlanche_C Ell 1 Lkph 123 Leclanche Cell ( Complete ) , Includes Filled Porous Pot, Zinc Rod & Plastic Jar ( Without Chemicals ) . 108 Dunielcell. 1 Lkph 062 Daniel Cell ( Complete ) , Includes Copper Pot, Empty Porous Pot & Zinc Rod. 109 Reversible Key 1 Lkph 200 Reversing Key. 110 Plug Key 2Way 2 Lkph 176 / 4 Plug Key, Two Way With ½” Brass Block, Superior Quality 111 Connecting Leads 2 Lkei 099 / 1 Connecting Leads ( Spare Leads For Equipments ) , Banana To Banana ( Non Stackable ) 112 Optical Bench 4 Upright , 1 Mtr Long Double Rod :Heavy 2 Lkph 162 / 1 Optical Bench ( Metal Double Rod ) , Brass Pipe, 1Meter Long ( Half Shaper Riders ) . 113 Half Meterscale 2 Lkph 145 / 4 Meter Scale, Half Meter, Superior Quality ( Wooden ) . 114 Concave Mirror:3:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 044 / 5 Concave Lens, Dia 75Mm F.L.15Cm 115 Concave Mirror:3:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 047 / 2 Concave Mirror, F.L.20Cm, Dia 75Mm 116 Concave Mirror:3:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 047 / 2 Concave Mirror, F.L.30Cm, Dia 75Mm 117 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 118 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 20Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 119 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 30Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 120 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 121 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 20Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 122 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 30Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 123 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 045 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Convex Lens ( Exact ) ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #37 ) 124 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 045 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 20Cm Convex Lens ( Exact ) ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #38 ) 125 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 045 / B 30 Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 30Cm, Convex Lens ( Exact ) ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #39 ) 126 Battery :2V 2 Ph 122 / 1 Lead Accumulator ( Battery ) Globe Make 2V-20Ah 127 Resistance Box :50Hms 2 Lkph 195 / 8 Resistance Box, ( Brass ) Plug Type; Constantan Coil, 1 / 2 Brass Block, Teak Wood Case ( Deluxe Quality ) 1-50 Ohm 128 Drawing Beard 2 Lkph 072 / 1 Drawing Board, ( Superior Quality Soft Wood ) , 12X18. 129 Glass Prism 2 Lkph 087 / 2 Glass Prism; Equilateral 60X60x60º, 50Mm ( Superior Quality ) 130 Glass Slad 2 Lkph 089 / 2 Glass Slab ( English Glass ) , 75X50x18 Mm. 131 Parallex Pin 4 Lkph 167 Optical Needle ( Parallax Pin ) , 100Mm Iron, C.P. 132 Retest Stand 1 Lkph 112 / 2 Iron Stand ( With Clamp & Boss Head ) , 7X5 Sheet Metal ( Retort Stand ) , Superior Quality With Dipress Clamp & Bosshead 133 Vernier Calliper Ime:Omega 2 Lkph 259 / 2 Vernier Calliper, Ime Type, 12 Cm, Chrome Plated. 134 Micrometer Screw Gauge:25Mm:Omege 2 Lkphn 100 / 2 Screw Gauge ( Micrometer ) , Stainless Steel Rod, 25Mm. 135 Element For Vernier Callipes :Exp In Plasɵcdabbi 1 Lkph 057 / 4 Cubes ( Aluminium ) 25Mm. 136 Stop Clock 1 Lkph 246 / 2 Stop Clock, Metal Body ( 60Min. ) Smith Type, Fly Back Action, Esal Make. 137 Dry Cell 1 Lkphn 30 Dry Cell ( 2Volt ) Globe Make Short Life ( No Return ) . 138 Watch Glass 10 Lkbi 051 / 3 Watch Glass Dia 3 ( Superior Quality Per Dozen ) 139 Plain Slide - Pkt Of 50 1 Lkbi 042 Plain Slide, Size 75X25mm Glass, Thickness 1.35 ( Pk Of 50 ) 140 Cover Slip -Pktof 30 5 Lkbi 005 / 2 Coverslip, ( Pk. Of 10Gm ) , 18Mm, Round 141 Pre Slid - Meosis -Mitosis 1 Lkbi 053 / 8 Prepared Slide For Microscope, Slide Meiosis, Set Of 12 Slides 142 Pre Slid - Meosis -Mitosis 1 Lkbi 053 / 7 Prepared Slide For Microscope, Slide Mitosis, Set Of 5 Slides 143 Pre Slid - Std 11 -Set Of 25 1 Lkbi 053 / 1 Prepared Slide For Microscope, Plant Tissue:- Parenchyma Collenchyma Sclerenchyma Xylem Phloem Dicot Stem Monocot Stem Dicot Root Monocot Root Dicot Leaf Monocot Leaf Fern Agaricus ( One Each ) Biology Lab 144 Pre Slid - Std 11 -Set Of 25 1 Lkbi 053 / 2 Prepared Slide For Microscope, Animal Tissue:- Animal Cell Squamous Epithelium Cubodial Epithelium Columnar Epithelium Nerve Cell Muscle: Cardiac Muscle: Striated Muscle: Unstraited Muscle: Smooth Muscle Mammal: Kidney Mammal: Heart Ascaris Male ( One Each ) 145 Aceɵc Acidsds 1 A10129 Acetic Acid Glacial - 99.5%, 500 Ml 146 Aceto Carminesds 1 A35671 Acetocarmine, 100 Ml 147 Benedicreagent Sds 1 B20829 Benedicts Reagent Qualitative, 500 Ml 148 Biuretreagent Sds 1 B21671 Biuret Reagent, 125 Ml 149 Blotting Paper 6 Blotting Paper, 18X22 150 151 Chloroformsds 1 C11829 Chloroform - 99%, 500 Ml 152 Eosinesoluɵons Sds 1 E30971 Eosin Yellow Stain Solution 2% W / V, 125 Ml 153 Calcumnitrate 1 C10929 Calcium Nitrate - 98%, 500 Gm 154 Boris Acid 1 B11729 Boric Acid - 99.5%, 500 Gm 155 Sucrose 1 S39929 Sucrose, 500 Gm 156 Cotton Blue 1 L11629 Lactophenol - Cotton Blue M.S., 500 Ml 157 2.4%Acetocalmine 1 A35671 Acetocarmine, 100 Ml 158 Phenolphthalein 1 P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml 159 Safranin 1 S30271 Safranine Stain Solution, 125 Ml 160 Fehling A :Sds 1 F20179 Fehlings Solution No. 1, 500 Ml 161 Fehling B :Sds 1 F20279 Fehlings Solution No. 2, 500 Ml 162 Formaldehudssds 1 F11229 Formaldehyde Solution ( 37 - 41% W / V ) ( Formalin ) , 500 Ml 163 Glycerine Sds 1 G11029 Glycerine ( Glycerol ) - 98%, 500 Ml 164 Hydrochioric Acid Sds 1 H11229 Hydrochloric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) - 35% ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 165 Iodine Solution 1 I51079 Iodine Solution N / 10, 500 Ml 166 Jenus Greensoluɵon 1 J24371 Janus Green Stain Solution, 125 Ml 167 Leishman Bluesds 1 L10475 Leishmans Stain Solution ( Stain And Solvent Separate ) , 250 Ml 168 Methyleneblus Sds 1 M31971 Methylene Blue Aqueous 1% W / V, 125 Ml 169 Millonsreagent Sds 1 M22671 Millons Reagent ( For Protein ) , 125 Ml 170 Postassiumbisulphate Sds 1 P12229 Potassium Bisulphate - 99% ( Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 171 Starch Powdersds 1 S14329 Starch Soluble, 500 Gm 172 Sulphuric Acid:Pil 1 S56079 Sulphuric Acid N / 10, 500 Ml 173 Xulene 1 X10229 Xylene Rectified - 99%, 500 Ml 174 Ganongsrespirometer 1 Lkbin15 Ganongs Respirometer, B.G. ( With Stand ) 175 Wire Gauge 3 Lkch 071 / 2 Wire Gauge, With Frame & Asbestos Centre 176 P.H Paper 3 I41056 Indicator Paper Ph 1-14 ( Full Range ) , 200 Is 177 Dropper 12 Lkpi 006 / 2 ( A ) Dropper Glass With Teat, Rubber Teat, 6 178 Tripod Stand 6 Lkch 068 / 4 Tripod Stand, 8 ( Heavy Quality ) 179 Ammonium Hydroxidc 3 A11679 Ammonia Solution Sp.Gr.0.91 ( 25% Nh3 ) ( Ammonium Hydroxide ) ( Suitable For Mirror Manufacturing Also ) , 500 Ml 180 Bar Foedssoluɵon 1 B20171 Barfoeds Reagent, 125 Ml 181 Bile Salt 1 B10517 Bile Salt Bacteriological, 100 Gm 182 Cobaltchloride Paper 1 C40356 Cobalt Chloride Test Paper, 200 Ls 183 Gential Violet 1 G30909 Gentian Violet Powder ( Dye Content-88 % ) , 25 Gm 184 1 Nepthol 1 N10117 Naphthol Alpha ( 1 - Naphthol ) , 100 Gm 185 Nitric Acid 1 N10730 Nitric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -70 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 186 Phenol Redsoluɵon 1 P40671 Phenol Red Solution, 125 Ml 187 Phenolphthele Ne 1 P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #82 ) 188 Postassiumchoride 1 P11829 Potassium Chloride - 99.5%, 500 Gm 189 Postassiumdichromate 1 P12129 Potassium Dichromate - 99.5%, 500 Gm 190 Postassium Hydroxide -Pellets 1 P12529 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets - 85%, 500 Gm 191 Sodiumchloride 1 S12229 Sodium Chloride - 99.5%, 500 Gm 192 Sulpher -Finay 1 S14529 Sulphur Powder - 99.5%, 500 Gm 193 Suphosalicylic Acid 250 1 S14417 Sulphosalicylic Acid - 99%, 100 Gm 194 Maize Leaf 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Maize Leaf 195 Maize Root 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Maize Root 196 Sunflower Leat 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Sunflower Leat 197 Sunflowerstem 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Sunflower Stem 179 Wash Bottle 10 Polylab 36602 Wash Bottle 250 Ml 180 Beaker Borosiucate 1000Ml 5 Lkch 112 / 5 Beaker Graduated, B.G., 1000Ml 181 Funnel Plastic -3 5 Polylab 57202 Analytical Funnel 75 Mm 182 Tripod Stand ; Heavy 5 Lkch 068 / 4 Tripod Stand, 8 ( Heavy Quality ) 180 183 Volumetric Flask 250Ml 10 Lkch 139 / 4 Volumetric Flask ( Measuring Flask ) , B.G., 250Ml 184 Measurins Cylinder 250 Ml ( Plastic ) 5 Polylab 80035 Measuring Cylinder 250 Ml ( Hexagonal ) 185 Measurins Cylinder 100 Ml ( Plastic ) 5 Polylab 80034 Measuring Cylinder 100 Ml ( Hexagonal ) 186 Burner With Stop Cock 5 Lkch 009 / 2 Bunsen Burner ( Brass Pipe 150Mm & Dia.12Mm ) Superior, With Stop Cock ( Heavy Base ) . 187 Wire Gauge 5 Lkch 071 / 2 Wire Gauge, With Frame & Asbestos Centre 188 Droper With Teat For Reasent Bottle ( 250Ml ) 10 Lkpi 006 / 2 ( A ) Dropper Glass With Teat, Rubber Teat, 6 189 Methyloranse Sds 2 M41471 Methyl Orange Solution, 125 Ml. 190 Phenolphthele Ne Sds 2 P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml 191 Acetion Acid Sds ( 500Ml ) 2 A10129 Acetic Acid Glacial - 99.5%, 500 Ml 192 Distilled Water W / Carboy 20 Ltr 1 D15051 D.M. Water ( Deionised Water ) , 5 L 193 Hydrochloric Acid Sds ( 500 Ml ) 4 H11229 Hydrochloric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) - 35% ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 194 Nitri Acid Sds ( 500Ml ) 4 N10730 Nitric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -70 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 195 Oxclic Acid Sds ( 500 Gm ) 2 O10229 Oxalic Acid - 99.5%, 500 Gm 196 Potassium Hydroxied - Flakes Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 P12429 Potassium Hydroxide Flakes - 85%, 500 Gm 197 Sodium Bicarbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S11929 Sodium Bicarbonate - 99% ( Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate ) , 500 Gm 198 Sodium Carbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S12029 Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous - 99.5%, 500 Gm 199 Sodium Hydroxied - Flakes Sds ( 500Gm ) 2 S12829 Sodium Hydroxide Flakes - 96%, 500 Gm 200 Sulphuric Acid Sds ( 500Gm ) 4 S15130 Sulphuric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -97 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 201 Ammonium Carbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A14129 Ammonium Carbonate - 30% Nh, 500 Gm 202 Ammonium Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A11929 Ammonium Chloride - 99%, 500 Gm 203 Ammonium Molybdate Sds ( 50Gm ) 1 A12717 Ammonium Molybdate - 98%, 100 Gm 204 Ammonium Oxlate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 A13129 Ammonium Oxalate - 99%, 500 Gm 205 Ammonium Sulphate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A13329 Ammonium Sulphate - 98.5%, 500 Gm 206 Barium Nitrate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 B10729 Barium Nitrate - 98%, 500 Gm 207 Calcium Sulphate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 C11129 Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate - 98.5%, 500 Gm 208 Ferric Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 F10329 Ferric Chloride Anhydrous - 96%, 500 Gm 209 Lead Acetated Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 L10129 Lead Acetate - 99%, 500 Gm 210 Magnesium Chloride Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 M10129 Magnesium Chloride - 97%, 500 Gm 211 Magnesium Sulphate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 M10329 Magnesium Sulphate - 99%, 500 Gm 212 Magnesium Chloride Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 Magnesium Chloride Sds ( 500 Gm ) 213 Potassium Bromide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P14129 Potassium Bromide - 98.5%, 500 Gm 214 Potassium Chromate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P11929 Potassium Chromate - 99%, 500 Gm 215 Potassium Ferrocymide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P12929 Potassium Ferrocyanide - 99%, 500 Gm 216 Potassium Ferricymide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P12325 Potassium Ferricyanide - 99%, 250 Gm 217 Potassium Iodide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P14317 Potassium Iodide - 99%, 100 Gm 218 Potassium Pyroantimonat E Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 P10217 Potassium Pyroantimonate - 99%, 100 Gm 219 Potassium Thiocynate Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 P13639 Potassium Thiocyanate - 98%, 500 Gm 220 Potassium Phosphate Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 P12629 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate, 500 Gm 221 Sliver Nitrate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 S42005 Silver Nitrate - 99.8%, 10 Gm 222 Sodium Bicarbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S11929 Sodium Bicarbonate - 99% ( Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate ) , 500 Gm 223 Sodium Bromide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 S11709 Sodium Bromide - 99%, 500 Gm 224 Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S13129 Di-Sodium Hydrogen Orthophosphate Anhydrous-99 % ( Sodium Phosphate Dibasic ) , 500 Gm 225 Sodium Hydroxide Sds ( 500Gm ) 2 S12929 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets - 97%, 500 Gm 226 Zinc Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 Z10329 Zinc Chloride Anhydrous - 95%, 500 Gm 227 Zinc Sulphate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 Z10729 Zinc Sulphate - 99%, 500 Gm 228 Barium Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 B10329 Barium Chloride - 99%, 500 Gm 229 Cadminm Nitrate ( 100 Gm ) 1 C10217 Cadmium Nitrate - 99%, 100 Gm 230 Copper Sulphate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 C12929 Cupric Sulphate ( Copper Sulphate ) -98.5%, 500 Gm 231 Ferrous Ammine Sulphate ( 500G M ) 1 A12429 Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate - 98.5% ( Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 232 Ferrous Sulphate ( 500Gm ) 1 F10729 Ferrous Sulphate - 98%, 500 Gm 233 Lead Nitrate ( 100Gm ) 1 L30329 Lead Nitrate - 99%, 500 Gm 234 Picri Acid ( 500 Gm ) 1 Item 16910-500Gm, Picric Acid Lr-500Gm 235 Potassium Dichromate ( 500Gm ) 1 P12129 Potassium Dichromate - 99.5%, 500 Gm 236 Potassium Oxaite ( 500Gm ) 1 P13229 Potassium Oxalate - 99%, 500 Gm 237 Potassium Permenganate ( 500Gm ) 1 P13429 Potassium Permanganate - 99%, 500 Gm 238 Acetamide Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A10025 Acetamide - 97%, 250 Gm 239 Acetone Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A10529 Acetone - 99%, 500 Ml 240 Aniline ( 500Gm ) 1 A10629 Aniline - 99%, 500 Ml 241 Benzaldehyde Sds ( 500 Gm ) 2 B11479 Benzaldehyde - 98%, 500 Ml 242 Benzamide Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 B11125 Benzamide - 98%, 250 Gm 243 Benzyl Alcohol Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 B11679 Benzyl Alcohol - 99%, 500 Ml 244 Chlorobenzen E Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 M11629 Chlorobenzene ( Monochlorobenzene ) - 99%, 500 Ml 245 Chloroform Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 C11829 Chloroform - 99%, 500 Ml 246 Ethyl Acetate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 E11429 Ethyl Acetate - 99%, 500 Ml 247 Fehling A Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 F20179 Fehlings Solution No. 1, 500 Ml 248 Fehling B Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 F20279 Fehlings Solution No. 2, 500 Ml 249 Liquer Ammonia Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 A11689 Ammonia Solution 10% ( 10% Nh3 ) , 500 Ml 250 Meta Oi -Nitro Benzene ( 500Gm ) 1 D41317 M-Dinitro Benzene ( 1, 3 Dinitro Benzene ) -98%, 250 Gm 251 Methyl Acetatde Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 M12429 Methyl Acetate - 99%, 500 Ml 252 Napthelene Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 N10329 Naphthalene Powder - 99%, 500 Gm 253 Nitro Benzene Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 N11579 Nitrobenzene - 99%, 500 Ml 254 Phenol Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P10429 Phenol ( Carbolic Acid ) - 99%, 500 Gm 254 Resorcinol Sds ( 250Gm ) 1 R11217 Resorcinol - 99%, 100 Gm 255 Soudium Cobalti Nitrate ( 100 Gm ) 1 S12617 Sodium Cobaltinitrite - 95%, 100 Gm 256 Soudium Nitropruside Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 S13617 Sodium Nitroprusside - 99%, 100 Gm 257 Aluminium Chloride ( 500 Gm ) 1 A15025 Aluminium Chloride Anhydrous - 98%, 250 Gm 258 Bromin ( 500 Ml ) 1 Item 12950-250Ml, Bromine Lr-250Ml 259 Sodium Suphide ( 500 Gm ) 1 S16329 Sodium Sulphide Flakes - 55%, 500 Gm 260 Calcium Hydroxide ( 500Gm ) 1 C11529 Calcium Hydroxide - 95%, 500 Gm 261 Urea ( 500Gm ) 1 U10229 Urea - 99%, 500 Gm 262 Hydrogen Peroxide ( 500 Gm ) 2 H10729 Hydrogen Peroxide 100 Vol. ( 30% W / V ) , 500 Ml 263 Carbon Tetrachloride ( 500Ml ) 1 Item 13430-500Ml, Carbon Tetrachloride Lr-500Ml 264 Nessler Reagent 2 N20271 Nesslers Reagent ( For Detection Of Ammonia & Ammonium Salts ) , 125 Ml 265 Ammonium Sulphide 1 Item 12270-500Ml Ammonium Sulphide Solution 20% 500Ml 266 Ammonium Acetate 1 A11829 Ammonium Acetate - 96%, 500 Gm 267 Methanol 500 Ml 2 M12029 Methanol ( Methyl Alcohol ) Acetone Free ( Suitable For Stains & Indicators ) - 99%, 500 Ml 268 Ethnol 500 Ml 2 Testing Solution, 500Ml 269 Ninhydrin 500 Ml 2 N40971 Ninhydrin Solution, 125 Ml 270 Ceric Ammonium Nitate 2 A15617 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate - 98%, 100 Gm 271 Schiff Reagent 2 S26071 Schiffs Reagent ( For Detection Of Aldehydes ) , 125 Ml 272 2, 4-Dnp 2 D10809 2, 4 - Dinitro Phenylhydrazine, 25 Gm 273 Sodium Nitrite 2 S15729 Sodium Nitrite - 96%, 500 Gm 274 1 -Napthol 2 N10117 Naphthol Alpha ( 1 - Naphthol ) , 100 Gm 275 Aluminium Sulphate 1 A11429 Aluminium Sulphate - 98%, 500 Gm 276 Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate 2 P12229 Potassium Bisulphate - 99% ( Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 277 Starch 500Gm 2 S14329 Starch Soluble, 500 Gm 278 Tollens Reagent 2 T33271 Tollens Reagent, 100 Ml 279 Physics Lab Table 1 4Feet Length * 8 Feet Width * 4 Feet Height Table With Electric Pannel Fitting 280 Biology Lab Table 1 4Feet Length * 8 Feet Width * 4 Feet Height Table With Electric Pannel Fitting, Shrink Fitting 281 Chemistry Lab Table

Tender Notice


Department Of Education



March 10, 2023

Key Value

5 Lakhs

5 Lakhs

5 Lakhs

To Download Tender Document Click on the below link

Bids Are Invited For School Laboratory Items 1 Optical Bench 1 Kph 162 / 1 Optical Bench ( Metal Double Rod ) , Brass Pipe, 1Meter Long ( Half Shaper Riders ) . 2 Electromagnet 1 3 Sonometer Board 1 Lkph 145 / 2 Meter Scale, One Meter, Superior Quality ( Wooden ) . 4 Converging Lens 2 Lkph 045 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Convex Lens ( Exact ) 5 Convex Mirror 2 Lkph 046 / 1 Convex Mirror, F.L.15Cm, Dia 50Mm 6 Galvanometer 2 Lkph 084 / 3 Galvanometer, ( Dc With Stand ) 30-0-30, Edm80, ( Square ) . 7 P.N Jection Diode Forword 1 Lkph 265 / 3 Voltmeter ( Edm-80 ) Square Dial, Dc, Range 10 Volt 8 Transistore 1 9 Glycerin Bottel 1 10 Connecting Wire 1 Lkbi 051 / 3 Watch Glass Dia 3 ( Superior Quality Per Dozen ) 11 Hno3 2 Bottles N10730 Nitric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -70 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 12 Hcl 2 Bottles H11229 Hydrochloric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) - 35% ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 13 H2so4 2 Bottles S15130 Sulphuric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -97 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 14 Spirit Forspirit Lamp 4 Bottles L20129 Lamposolv ( For Spirit Lamp ) , 500 Ml 15 Nh3 2 Bottles A11689 Ammonia Solution 10% ( 10% Nh3 ) , 500 Ml 16 Pan ( Small Geman Metalskillet ) 2Nos Not Available 17 Agno3 500Ml S61579 Silver Nitrate Solution N / 50, 500 Ml Chemistry Physics 18 Ch3cooh 500Ml A10129 Acetic Acid Glacial - 99.5%, 500 Ml 19 Chcl3 500Ml C11829 Chloroform - 99%, 500 Ml 20 Ccl4 500Ml Item 13430-500Ml, Carbon Tetrachloride Lr-500Ml 21 H202 500Ml H20379 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 3% W / V ( 10 Vol. ) , 500 Ml 22 Tollensprocess 500Ml T33271 Tollens Reagent, 100 Ml 23 Borax Powder 500Ml B11829 Di-Sodium Tetraborate ( Borax ) - 99%, 500 Gm 24 ( Nh4 ) 2 S 500Ml Y12029 Yellow Ammonium Sulphide Solution ( Ammonium Sulphide Solution Yellow ) , 500 Ml 25 Ammonuimacetate 500Ml A11829 Ammonium Acetate - 96%, 500 Gm 26 Starch Letter 20 S44950 Starch Iodide Paper, 100 Is 27 Ch3oh 500Ml M12029 Methanol ( Methyl Alcohol ) Acetone Free ( Suitable For Stains & Indicators ) - 99%, 500 Ml 28 Ethenol 500Ml Testing Solution, 500Ml 29 Ninhydrin 500Ml N40971 Ninhydrin Solution, 125 Ml 30 Cyric Ammoniumnitrate 500Ml A15617 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate - 98%, 100 Gm 31 Naocl 500Ml S10683 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution- ( Available Chlorine 5% W / V ) , 1 L 32 2, 4 Di Nitrophenyl Hygiene 500Ml D10809 2, 4 - Dinitro Phenylhydrazine, 25 Gm 33 Nano2 500Ml S15729 Sodium Nitrite - 96%, 500 Gm 34 1 .Nephthol 500Ml N40871 Naphthol Alpha Solution ( Alpha Naphthol Solution ) , 125 Ml 35 Aluminunsulfate 500Ml A11429 Aluminium Sulphate - 98%, 500 Gm 36 2-Nephthol 500Ml N40871 Naphthol Alpha Solution ( Alpha Naphthol Solution ) , 125 Ml ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #39 ) 37 Khso4 500Ml P12229 Potassium Bisulphate - 99% ( Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 38 Spegula 5 Nos Lkch 058 / 3 Spatula S.S. ( Spoon Type ) , 6, Heavy Quality 39 Filter Paper 20 Nos Item 12950-250Ml, Bromine Lr-250Ml 40 Ki 1 Bottles P14317 Potassium Iodide - 99%, 100 Gm 41 Potassiumdichromater 1 Bottles P12129 Potassium Dichromate - 99.5%, 500 Gm 42 Carbondisulfide 1 Bottles C11329 Carbon Disulphide - 99%, 500 Ml 43 Platinum Paper 20 Nos 44 H2s Water 500Ml 45 Burette Stand With Clamp 10 Nos 46 Pipet ( 10 Ml ) 10 Nos 47 Conical Fulask ( 250Ml ) Borosilicate 10 Nos 48 Molis Process ( 100 Ml ) 1 Nps 49 Benedict Process ( 100Ml ) 1 Nos 50 Ph Scale Charts 1 Nos 51 Other Lab Charts 1 Nos 52 Function 1Nos Specs Not Clear 53 Dissection Box 10 Lkbi 007 / 3 Dissection Box ( 17 Instruments ) , Surgeon Make, Deluxe Quality 54 Calciumnitrate 500Ml C10929 Calcium Nitrate - 98%, 500 Gm 55 Boric Acid 500Ml B11729 Boric Acid - 99.5%, 500 Gm 56 Sucrose 500Ml S39929 Sucrose, 500 Gm 57 Cotton Blue 500Ml L11629 Lactophenol - Cotton Blue M.S., 500 Ml 58 24 Acetocarmine 500Ml A35671 Acetocarmine, 100 Ml 59 Phenosthelin 500Ml P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml 60 Sachil Disc 1 Biology 61 1M2 Tuadrate 1 62 Ph Indicatorleʃer 2 Packet I41056 Indicator Paper Ph 1-14 ( Full Range ) , 200 Is 63 Ph Indicatorsoluɵon 2 Bottles U40171 Universal Indicator Solution, 125 Ml 64 Flower Of Sunflower 1 Lkctf022 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Taxonomy Families: Asteraceae ( Compositae ) , Heliianthus Annuus ( Sunflower ) 65 Ext.Charactors Of Earth Worm 1 Lkcz032 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Annelida ( Black Raxine ) , Earthworm External Characters 66 Interstructure Of Earthworm 1 Lkcz033 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Annelida ( Black Raxine ) , Earthworm Internal Anatomy 67 Reproducɵve System Ofearthworm 1 Lkcz035 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Annelida ( Black Raxine ) , Earthworm Reproductive System 68 Ext. Charactors Of Cockrocach 1 Lkcz059 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Arthropoda ( Black Raxine ) , Cockroach External Character 69 Digesɵve Respiratory Sys. Ofcockrocach 1 Lkcz061 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Arthropoda ( Black Raxine ) , Cockroach Digestive System 70 Spirit Lamp 3 Bottle Lkcz203 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Mammals ( Black Raxine ) , Rat External Characters 71 T.S. Of Maize Stem 1 Lkcbo107educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Monocot Stem 72 T.S. Of Maize Root 1 Lkcbo105educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Monocot Root 73 T.S. Of Sunflower Root 1 Lkcbo104educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Dicot Root 74 T.S. Of Sumflower Of Stem. 1 Lkcbo106educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Dicot Stem ( Sunflower ) 75 Human Digestive System 1 Lkcha010 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Systems Of Human Body ( Black Raxine ) , Digestive System 76 Human Theeth Structure 1 Lkcha033 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Structures / Organs ( Black Raxine ) , Teeth 77 Human Respiratory Sys 1 Lkcha011 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Systems Of Human Body ( Black Raxine ) , Respiratory System 78 Human Heart And Cardiac Cycle 1 Lkcha017 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Structures / Organs ( Black Raxine ) , Heart 79 Big Beads ( Red ) 70 80 Big Beads ( Yellow ) 70 81 Big Beads ( Green ) 70 82 Big Beads ( White ) 70 83 Charani Set ( 2Mm, 0.05Mm, 0.002Mm ) 1 84 Wash Bottle 5 85 Setting Table 20 Nos 86 Mohohyloriol & Dihybrid Cross Charts 1 87 Measuring Slinder ( 25Ml ) 2 88 Human Skeleton ( Anterior And Posteriorview ) 1 Lkcha003 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Systems Of Human Body ( Black Raxine ) , Skeleton I ( Entire Skeleton, Vertebral Column & Skull ) 89 Glass Plate 4*3 5 Lkgp Glass Mirror Plate, 10Cm X 10Cm. 90 Watch Glass 5 Lkbi 051 / 3 Watch Glass Dia 3 ( Superior Quality Per Dozen ) 91 Fricɵon Bohdpasco 1 Lkph 023 Wooden Block With Hook, Rectangular, Size 100X75x15mm. 92 Spring Balance500 Hm 1 Lkph 238 / 2 Spring Balance, Tubular Acrylic 500Gm 93 Metes Scalewooden 1 Lkph 145 / 2 Meter Scale, One Meter, Superior Quality ( Wooden ) . 94 Youmges Modulusverniertype 1 Lkph 214 / 4 Searles Apparatus ( Young Modulus ) , Vernier Type. 95 Capilaiy Tube Setof 3 Difeekentbose 1 Lkph 676 Capillary Tube ( Set Of 3 Different Dia. ) 6 Length. 96 Viscecity App With Metal Stend, Glass Tube With Rubber Core And Thistle Funnel 1 Lkph 262 / 3 Viscosity Apparatus ( Stokes Law ) 1 Meter Tube Of 35Mm Dia To Fit In Provided Metal Stand ( Without Liquid ) Provided With Graduated Acrylic Tube ( Unbreakable ) 97 Bas Memget 1 Lkph 009 / 2 Bar Magnet Alnico Make, ( Superior Quality ) , 50X11x7mm ( 2 ) 98 Sonometer Board Withpan 1 Lkph 229 / 2 Sonometer, Teak Wood ( Brass Fitting ) . 99 Veltmete_Lou Mr80 2 Lkph 265 / 3 Voltmeter ( Edm-80 ) Square Dial, Dc, Range 5 Volt 100 Mili Ammete500 Ma Ma 80 2 Lkph 148 / 3 Milli-Ammeter Dc, Range 500Ma ( Edm-80 ) Square Physics Lab 101 B / Eliminat8 24Ol12 V 2Amp 1 Lkei 002 / 2 Battery Eliminators ( Superior Quality ) Dc, 2-12V Dc, 2Amp 102 Refostate :8 2 Lkph A201 / 8 Rheostat ( Brass Rod ) , 4.3Cm Dia Tube, Length 20Cms, 55 Ohms, 1.8 Amps 103 Plug Key 1Way 2 Lkph 176 / 2 Plug Key, One Way With ½” Brass Block, Superior Quality 104 Galvanometer30-0-30:M 80 3 Lkph 084 / 3 Galvanometer, ( Dc With Stand ) 30-0-30, Edm-80, ( Square ) . 105 Resistancecoils 1 Lkph 197 / 1 10 Round Bakelite Case. Range 10 Ohms 106 Potentionmete R 4 Wire 1 Lkph 197 / 1 10 Round Bakelite Case. Range 10 Ohms 107 Ladhlanche_C Ell 1 Lkph 123 Leclanche Cell ( Complete ) , Includes Filled Porous Pot, Zinc Rod & Plastic Jar ( Without Chemicals ) . 108 Dunielcell. 1 Lkph 062 Daniel Cell ( Complete ) , Includes Copper Pot, Empty Porous Pot & Zinc Rod. 109 Reversible Key 1 Lkph 200 Reversing Key. 110 Plug Key 2Way 2 Lkph 176 / 4 Plug Key, Two Way With ½” Brass Block, Superior Quality 111 Connecting Leads 2 Lkei 099 / 1 Connecting Leads ( Spare Leads For Equipments ) , Banana To Banana ( Non Stackable ) 112 Optical Bench 4 Upright , 1 Mtr Long Double Rod :Heavy 2 Lkph 162 / 1 Optical Bench ( Metal Double Rod ) , Brass Pipe, 1Meter Long ( Half Shaper Riders ) . 113 Half Meterscale 2 Lkph 145 / 4 Meter Scale, Half Meter, Superior Quality ( Wooden ) . 114 Concave Mirror:3:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 044 / 5 Concave Lens, Dia 75Mm F.L.15Cm 115 Concave Mirror:3:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 047 / 2 Concave Mirror, F.L.20Cm, Dia 75Mm 116 Concave Mirror:3:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 047 / 2 Concave Mirror, F.L.30Cm, Dia 75Mm 117 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 118 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 20Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 119 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 30Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 120 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 121 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 20Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 122 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 30Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 123 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 045 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Convex Lens ( Exact ) ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #37 ) 124 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 045 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 20Cm Convex Lens ( Exact ) ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #38 ) 125 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 045 / B 30 Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 30Cm, Convex Lens ( Exact ) ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #39 ) 126 Battery :2V 2 Ph 122 / 1 Lead Accumulator ( Battery ) Globe Make 2V-20Ah 127 Resistance Box :50Hms 2 Lkph 195 / 8 Resistance Box, ( Brass ) Plug Type; Constantan Coil, 1 / 2 Brass Block, Teak Wood Case ( Deluxe Quality ) 1-50 Ohm 128 Drawing Beard 2 Lkph 072 / 1 Drawing Board, ( Superior Quality Soft Wood ) , 12X18. 129 Glass Prism 2 Lkph 087 / 2 Glass Prism; Equilateral 60X60x60º, 50Mm ( Superior Quality ) 130 Glass Slad 2 Lkph 089 / 2 Glass Slab ( English Glass ) , 75X50x18 Mm. 131 Parallex Pin 4 Lkph 167 Optical Needle ( Parallax Pin ) , 100Mm Iron, C.P. 132 Retest Stand 1 Lkph 112 / 2 Iron Stand ( With Clamp & Boss Head ) , 7X5 Sheet Metal ( Retort Stand ) , Superior Quality With Dipress Clamp & Bosshead 133 Vernier Calliper Ime:Omega 2 Lkph 259 / 2 Vernier Calliper, Ime Type, 12 Cm, Chrome Plated. 134 Micrometer Screw Gauge:25Mm:Omege 2 Lkphn 100 / 2 Screw Gauge ( Micrometer ) , Stainless Steel Rod, 25Mm. 135 Element For Vernier Callipes :Exp In Plasɵcdabbi 1 Lkph 057 / 4 Cubes ( Aluminium ) 25Mm. 136 Stop Clock 1 Lkph 246 / 2 Stop Clock, Metal Body ( 60Min. ) Smith Type, Fly Back Action, Esal Make. 137 Dry Cell 1 Lkphn 30 Dry Cell ( 2Volt ) Globe Make Short Life ( No Return ) . 138 Watch Glass 10 Lkbi 051 / 3 Watch Glass Dia 3 ( Superior Quality Per Dozen ) 139 Plain Slide - Pkt Of 50 1 Lkbi 042 Plain Slide, Size 75X25mm Glass, Thickness 1.35 ( Pk Of 50 ) 140 Cover Slip -Pktof 30 5 Lkbi 005 / 2 Coverslip, ( Pk. Of 10Gm ) , 18Mm, Round 141 Pre Slid - Meosis -Mitosis 1 Lkbi 053 / 8 Prepared Slide For Microscope, Slide Meiosis, Set Of 12 Slides 142 Pre Slid - Meosis -Mitosis 1 Lkbi 053 / 7 Prepared Slide For Microscope, Slide Mitosis, Set Of 5 Slides 143 Pre Slid - Std 11 -Set Of 25 1 Lkbi 053 / 1 Prepared Slide For Microscope, Plant Tissue:- Parenchyma Collenchyma Sclerenchyma Xylem Phloem Dicot Stem Monocot Stem Dicot Root Monocot Root Dicot Leaf Monocot Leaf Fern Agaricus ( One Each ) Biology Lab 144 Pre Slid - Std 11 -Set Of 25 1 Lkbi 053 / 2 Prepared Slide For Microscope, Animal Tissue:- Animal Cell Squamous Epithelium Cubodial Epithelium Columnar Epithelium Nerve Cell Muscle: Cardiac Muscle: Striated Muscle: Unstraited Muscle: Smooth Muscle Mammal: Kidney Mammal: Heart Ascaris Male ( One Each ) 145 Aceɵc Acidsds 1 A10129 Acetic Acid Glacial - 99.5%, 500 Ml 146 Aceto Carminesds 1 A35671 Acetocarmine, 100 Ml 147 Benedicreagent Sds 1 B20829 Benedicts Reagent Qualitative, 500 Ml 148 Biuretreagent Sds 1 B21671 Biuret Reagent, 125 Ml 149 Blotting Paper 6 Blotting Paper, 18X22 150 151 Chloroformsds 1 C11829 Chloroform - 99%, 500 Ml 152 Eosinesoluɵons Sds 1 E30971 Eosin Yellow Stain Solution 2% W / V, 125 Ml 153 Calcumnitrate 1 C10929 Calcium Nitrate - 98%, 500 Gm 154 Boris Acid 1 B11729 Boric Acid - 99.5%, 500 Gm 155 Sucrose 1 S39929 Sucrose, 500 Gm 156 Cotton Blue 1 L11629 Lactophenol - Cotton Blue M.S., 500 Ml 157 2.4%Acetocalmine 1 A35671 Acetocarmine, 100 Ml 158 Phenolphthalein 1 P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml 159 Safranin 1 S30271 Safranine Stain Solution, 125 Ml 160 Fehling A :Sds 1 F20179 Fehlings Solution No. 1, 500 Ml 161 Fehling B :Sds 1 F20279 Fehlings Solution No. 2, 500 Ml 162 Formaldehudssds 1 F11229 Formaldehyde Solution ( 37 - 41% W / V ) ( Formalin ) , 500 Ml 163 Glycerine Sds 1 G11029 Glycerine ( Glycerol ) - 98%, 500 Ml 164 Hydrochioric Acid Sds 1 H11229 Hydrochloric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) - 35% ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 165 Iodine Solution 1 I51079 Iodine Solution N / 10, 500 Ml 166 Jenus Greensoluɵon 1 J24371 Janus Green Stain Solution, 125 Ml 167 Leishman Bluesds 1 L10475 Leishmans Stain Solution ( Stain And Solvent Separate ) , 250 Ml 168 Methyleneblus Sds 1 M31971 Methylene Blue Aqueous 1% W / V, 125 Ml 169 Millonsreagent Sds 1 M22671 Millons Reagent ( For Protein ) , 125 Ml 170 Postassiumbisulphate Sds 1 P12229 Potassium Bisulphate - 99% ( Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 171 Starch Powdersds 1 S14329 Starch Soluble, 500 Gm 172 Sulphuric Acid:Pil 1 S56079 Sulphuric Acid N / 10, 500 Ml 173 Xulene 1 X10229 Xylene Rectified - 99%, 500 Ml 174 Ganongsrespirometer 1 Lkbin15 Ganongs Respirometer, B.G. ( With Stand ) 175 Wire Gauge 3 Lkch 071 / 2 Wire Gauge, With Frame & Asbestos Centre 176 P.H Paper 3 I41056 Indicator Paper Ph 1-14 ( Full Range ) , 200 Is 177 Dropper 12 Lkpi 006 / 2 ( A ) Dropper Glass With Teat, Rubber Teat, 6 178 Tripod Stand 6 Lkch 068 / 4 Tripod Stand, 8 ( Heavy Quality ) 179 Ammonium Hydroxidc 3 A11679 Ammonia Solution Sp.Gr.0.91 ( 25% Nh3 ) ( Ammonium Hydroxide ) ( Suitable For Mirror Manufacturing Also ) , 500 Ml 180 Bar Foedssoluɵon 1 B20171 Barfoeds Reagent, 125 Ml 181 Bile Salt 1 B10517 Bile Salt Bacteriological, 100 Gm 182 Cobaltchloride Paper 1 C40356 Cobalt Chloride Test Paper, 200 Ls 183 Gential Violet 1 G30909 Gentian Violet Powder ( Dye Content-88 % ) , 25 Gm 184 1 Nepthol 1 N10117 Naphthol Alpha ( 1 - Naphthol ) , 100 Gm 185 Nitric Acid 1 N10730 Nitric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -70 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 186 Phenol Redsoluɵon 1 P40671 Phenol Red Solution, 125 Ml 187 Phenolphthele Ne 1 P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #82 ) 188 Postassiumchoride 1 P11829 Potassium Chloride - 99.5%, 500 Gm 189 Postassiumdichromate 1 P12129 Potassium Dichromate - 99.5%, 500 Gm 190 Postassium Hydroxide -Pellets 1 P12529 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets - 85%, 500 Gm 191 Sodiumchloride 1 S12229 Sodium Chloride - 99.5%, 500 Gm 192 Sulpher -Finay 1 S14529 Sulphur Powder - 99.5%, 500 Gm 193 Suphosalicylic Acid 250 1 S14417 Sulphosalicylic Acid - 99%, 100 Gm 194 Maize Leaf 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Maize Leaf 195 Maize Root 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Maize Root 196 Sunflower Leat 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Sunflower Leat 197 Sunflowerstem 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Sunflower Stem 179 Wash Bottle 10 Polylab 36602 Wash Bottle 250 Ml 180 Beaker Borosiucate 1000Ml 5 Lkch 112 / 5 Beaker Graduated, B.G., 1000Ml 181 Funnel Plastic -3 5 Polylab 57202 Analytical Funnel 75 Mm 182 Tripod Stand ; Heavy 5 Lkch 068 / 4 Tripod Stand, 8 ( Heavy Quality ) 180 183 Volumetric Flask 250Ml 10 Lkch 139 / 4 Volumetric Flask ( Measuring Flask ) , B.G., 250Ml 184 Measurins Cylinder 250 Ml ( Plastic ) 5 Polylab 80035 Measuring Cylinder 250 Ml ( Hexagonal ) 185 Measurins Cylinder 100 Ml ( Plastic ) 5 Polylab 80034 Measuring Cylinder 100 Ml ( Hexagonal ) 186 Burner With Stop Cock 5 Lkch 009 / 2 Bunsen Burner ( Brass Pipe 150Mm & Dia.12Mm ) Superior, With Stop Cock ( Heavy Base ) . 187 Wire Gauge 5 Lkch 071 / 2 Wire Gauge, With Frame & Asbestos Centre 188 Droper With Teat For Reasent Bottle ( 250Ml ) 10 Lkpi 006 / 2 ( A ) Dropper Glass With Teat, Rubber Teat, 6 189 Methyloranse Sds 2 M41471 Methyl Orange Solution, 125 Ml. 190 Phenolphthele Ne Sds 2 P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml 191 Acetion Acid Sds ( 500Ml ) 2 A10129 Acetic Acid Glacial - 99.5%, 500 Ml 192 Distilled Water W / Carboy 20 Ltr 1 D15051 D.M. Water ( Deionised Water ) , 5 L 193 Hydrochloric Acid Sds ( 500 Ml ) 4 H11229 Hydrochloric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) - 35% ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 194 Nitri Acid Sds ( 500Ml ) 4 N10730 Nitric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -70 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 195 Oxclic Acid Sds ( 500 Gm ) 2 O10229 Oxalic Acid - 99.5%, 500 Gm 196 Potassium Hydroxied - Flakes Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 P12429 Potassium Hydroxide Flakes - 85%, 500 Gm 197 Sodium Bicarbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S11929 Sodium Bicarbonate - 99% ( Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate ) , 500 Gm 198 Sodium Carbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S12029 Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous - 99.5%, 500 Gm 199 Sodium Hydroxied - Flakes Sds ( 500Gm ) 2 S12829 Sodium Hydroxide Flakes - 96%, 500 Gm 200 Sulphuric Acid Sds ( 500Gm ) 4 S15130 Sulphuric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -97 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 201 Ammonium Carbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A14129 Ammonium Carbonate - 30% Nh, 500 Gm 202 Ammonium Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A11929 Ammonium Chloride - 99%, 500 Gm 203 Ammonium Molybdate Sds ( 50Gm ) 1 A12717 Ammonium Molybdate - 98%, 100 Gm 204 Ammonium Oxlate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 A13129 Ammonium Oxalate - 99%, 500 Gm 205 Ammonium Sulphate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A13329 Ammonium Sulphate - 98.5%, 500 Gm 206 Barium Nitrate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 B10729 Barium Nitrate - 98%, 500 Gm 207 Calcium Sulphate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 C11129 Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate - 98.5%, 500 Gm 208 Ferric Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 F10329 Ferric Chloride Anhydrous - 96%, 500 Gm 209 Lead Acetated Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 L10129 Lead Acetate - 99%, 500 Gm 210 Magnesium Chloride Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 M10129 Magnesium Chloride - 97%, 500 Gm 211 Magnesium Sulphate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 M10329 Magnesium Sulphate - 99%, 500 Gm 212 Magnesium Chloride Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 Magnesium Chloride Sds ( 500 Gm ) 213 Potassium Bromide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P14129 Potassium Bromide - 98.5%, 500 Gm 214 Potassium Chromate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P11929 Potassium Chromate - 99%, 500 Gm 215 Potassium Ferrocymide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P12929 Potassium Ferrocyanide - 99%, 500 Gm 216 Potassium Ferricymide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P12325 Potassium Ferricyanide - 99%, 250 Gm 217 Potassium Iodide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P14317 Potassium Iodide - 99%, 100 Gm 218 Potassium Pyroantimonat E Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 P10217 Potassium Pyroantimonate - 99%, 100 Gm 219 Potassium Thiocynate Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 P13639 Potassium Thiocyanate - 98%, 500 Gm 220 Potassium Phosphate Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 P12629 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate, 500 Gm 221 Sliver Nitrate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 S42005 Silver Nitrate - 99.8%, 10 Gm 222 Sodium Bicarbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S11929 Sodium Bicarbonate - 99% ( Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate ) , 500 Gm 223 Sodium Bromide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 S11709 Sodium Bromide - 99%, 500 Gm 224 Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S13129 Di-Sodium Hydrogen Orthophosphate Anhydrous-99 % ( Sodium Phosphate Dibasic ) , 500 Gm 225 Sodium Hydroxide Sds ( 500Gm ) 2 S12929 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets - 97%, 500 Gm 226 Zinc Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 Z10329 Zinc Chloride Anhydrous - 95%, 500 Gm 227 Zinc Sulphate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 Z10729 Zinc Sulphate - 99%, 500 Gm 228 Barium Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 B10329 Barium Chloride - 99%, 500 Gm 229 Cadminm Nitrate ( 100 Gm ) 1 C10217 Cadmium Nitrate - 99%, 100 Gm 230 Copper Sulphate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 C12929 Cupric Sulphate ( Copper Sulphate ) -98.5%, 500 Gm 231 Ferrous Ammine Sulphate ( 500G M ) 1 A12429 Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate - 98.5% ( Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 232 Ferrous Sulphate ( 500Gm ) 1 F10729 Ferrous Sulphate - 98%, 500 Gm 233 Lead Nitrate ( 100Gm ) 1 L30329 Lead Nitrate - 99%, 500 Gm 234 Picri Acid ( 500 Gm ) 1 Item 16910-500Gm, Picric Acid Lr-500Gm 235 Potassium Dichromate ( 500Gm ) 1 P12129 Potassium Dichromate - 99.5%, 500 Gm 236 Potassium Oxaite ( 500Gm ) 1 P13229 Potassium Oxalate - 99%, 500 Gm 237 Potassium Permenganate ( 500Gm ) 1 P13429 Potassium Permanganate - 99%, 500 Gm 238 Acetamide Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A10025 Acetamide - 97%, 250 Gm 239 Acetone Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A10529 Acetone - 99%, 500 Ml 240 Aniline ( 500Gm ) 1 A10629 Aniline - 99%, 500 Ml 241 Benzaldehyde Sds ( 500 Gm ) 2 B11479 Benzaldehyde - 98%, 500 Ml 242 Benzamide Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 B11125 Benzamide - 98%, 250 Gm 243 Benzyl Alcohol Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 B11679 Benzyl Alcohol - 99%, 500 Ml 244 Chlorobenzen E Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 M11629 Chlorobenzene ( Monochlorobenzene ) - 99%, 500 Ml 245 Chloroform Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 C11829 Chloroform - 99%, 500 Ml 246 Ethyl Acetate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 E11429 Ethyl Acetate - 99%, 500 Ml 247 Fehling A Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 F20179 Fehlings Solution No. 1, 500 Ml 248 Fehling B Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 F20279 Fehlings Solution No. 2, 500 Ml 249 Liquer Ammonia Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 A11689 Ammonia Solution 10% ( 10% Nh3 ) , 500 Ml 250 Meta Oi -Nitro Benzene ( 500Gm ) 1 D41317 M-Dinitro Benzene ( 1, 3 Dinitro Benzene ) -98%, 250 Gm 251 Methyl Acetatde Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 M12429 Methyl Acetate - 99%, 500 Ml 252 Napthelene Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 N10329 Naphthalene Powder - 99%, 500 Gm 253 Nitro Benzene Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 N11579 Nitrobenzene - 99%, 500 Ml 254 Phenol Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P10429 Phenol ( Carbolic Acid ) - 99%, 500 Gm 254 Resorcinol Sds ( 250Gm ) 1 R11217 Resorcinol - 99%, 100 Gm 255 Soudium Cobalti Nitrate ( 100 Gm ) 1 S12617 Sodium Cobaltinitrite - 95%, 100 Gm 256 Soudium Nitropruside Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 S13617 Sodium Nitroprusside - 99%, 100 Gm 257 Aluminium Chloride ( 500 Gm ) 1 A15025 Aluminium Chloride Anhydrous - 98%, 250 Gm 258 Bromin ( 500 Ml ) 1 Item 12950-250Ml, Bromine Lr-250Ml 259 Sodium Suphide ( 500 Gm ) 1 S16329 Sodium Sulphide Flakes - 55%, 500 Gm 260 Calcium Hydroxide ( 500Gm ) 1 C11529 Calcium Hydroxide - 95%, 500 Gm 261 Urea ( 500Gm ) 1 U10229 Urea - 99%, 500 Gm 262 Hydrogen Peroxide ( 500 Gm ) 2 H10729 Hydrogen Peroxide 100 Vol. ( 30% W / V ) , 500 Ml 263 Carbon Tetrachloride ( 500Ml ) 1 Item 13430-500Ml, Carbon Tetrachloride Lr-500Ml 264 Nessler Reagent 2 N20271 Nesslers Reagent ( For Detection Of Ammonia & Ammonium Salts ) , 125 Ml 265 Ammonium Sulphide 1 Item 12270-500Ml Ammonium Sulphide Solution 20% 500Ml 266 Ammonium Acetate 1 A11829 Ammonium Acetate - 96%, 500 Gm 267 Methanol 500 Ml 2 M12029 Methanol ( Methyl Alcohol ) Acetone Free ( Suitable For Stains & Indicators ) - 99%, 500 Ml 268 Ethnol 500 Ml 2 Testing Solution, 500Ml 269 Ninhydrin 500 Ml 2 N40971 Ninhydrin Solution, 125 Ml 270 Ceric Ammonium Nitate 2 A15617 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate - 98%, 100 Gm 271 Schiff Reagent 2 S26071 Schiffs Reagent ( For Detection Of Aldehydes ) , 125 Ml 272 2, 4-Dnp 2 D10809 2, 4 - Dinitro Phenylhydrazine, 25 Gm 273 Sodium Nitrite 2 S15729 Sodium Nitrite - 96%, 500 Gm 274 1 -Napthol 2 N10117 Naphthol Alpha ( 1 - Naphthol ) , 100 Gm 275 Aluminium Sulphate 1 A11429 Aluminium Sulphate - 98%, 500 Gm 276 Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate 2 P12229 Potassium Bisulphate - 99% ( Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 277 Starch 500Gm 2 S14329 Starch Soluble, 500 Gm 278 Tollens Reagent 2 T33271 Tollens Reagent, 100 Ml 279 Physics Lab Table 1 4Feet Length * 8 Feet Width * 4 Feet Height Table With Electric Pannel Fitting 280 Biology Lab Table 1 4Feet Length * 8 Feet Width * 4 Feet Height Table With Electric Pannel Fitting, Shrink Fitting 281 Chemistry Lab Table