Bids Are Invited For 1 Optical Bench 2 Kph 162 / 1 Optical Bench ( Metal Double Rod ) , Brass Pipe, 1Meter Long ( Half Shaper Riders ) . 2 Jockey Club 4 Lkph 114 Jockey ( Pencil Jockey ) . 3 Meter Scale ( Wooden ) 4 Lkph 145 / 2 Meter Scale, One Meter, Superior Quality ( Wooden ) . 4 Converging Lens 2 Lkph 045 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Convex Lens ( Exact ) 5 Convex Mirror 2 Lkph 046 / 1 Convex Mirror, F.L.15Cm, Dia 50Mm 6 Galvanometer 1 Lkph 084 / 3 Galvanometer, ( Dc With Stand ) 30-0-30, Edm80, ( Square ) . 7 Votmeter 10V Mr-80 4 Lkph 265 / 3 Voltmeter ( Edm-80 ) Square Dial, Dc, Range 10 Volt 8 Watch Glass 1 Lkbi 051 / 3 Watch Glass Dia 3 ( Superior Quality Per Dozen ) 9 Hno3 2 Bottles N10730 Nitric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -70 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 10 Hcl 2 Bottles H11229 Hydrochloric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) - 35% ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 11 H2so4 2 Bottles S15130 Sulphuric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -97 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 12 Spirit Forspirit Lamp 2 Bottles L20129 Lamposolv ( For Spirit Lamp ) , 500 Ml 13 Nh3 2 Bottles A11689 Ammonia Solution 10% ( 10% Nh3 ) , 500 Ml 14 Pan ( Small Geman Metalskillet ) 2Nos Not Available 15 Agno3 500Ml S61579 Silver Nitrate Solution N / 50, 500 Ml 16 Ch3cooh 500Ml A10129 Acetic Acid Glacial - 99.5%, 500 Ml Chemistry Physics 17 Chcl3 500Ml C11829 Chloroform - 99%, 500 Ml 18 Ccl4 500Ml Item 13430-500Ml, Carbon Tetrachloride Lr-500Ml 19 H202 500Ml H20379 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 3% W / V ( 10 Vol. ) , 500 Ml 20 Tollensprocess 500Ml T33271 Tollens Reagent, 100 Ml 21 Borax Powder 500Ml B11829 Di-Sodium Tetraborate ( Borax ) - 99%, 500 Gm 22 ( Nh4 ) 2 S 500Ml Y12029 Yellow Ammonium Sulphide Solution ( Ammonium Sulphide Solution Yellow ) , 500 Ml 23 Ammonuimacetate 500Ml A11829 Ammonium Acetate - 96%, 500 Gm 24 Starch Letter 20 S44950 Starch Iodide Paper, 100 Is 25 Ch3oh 500Ml M12029 Methanol ( Methyl Alcohol ) Acetone Free ( Suitable For Stains & Indicators ) - 99%, 500 Ml 26 Ethenol 500Ml Testing Solution, 500Ml 27 Ninhydrin 500Ml N40971 Ninhydrin Solution, 125 Ml 28 Cyric Ammoniumnitrate 500Ml A15617 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate - 98%, 100 Gm 29 Naocl 500Ml S10683 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution- ( Available Chlorine 5% W / V ) , 1 L 30 2, 4 Di Nitrophenyl Hygiene 500Ml D10809 2, 4 - Dinitro Phenylhydrazine, 25 Gm 31 Nano2 500Ml S15729 Sodium Nitrite - 96%, 500 Gm 32 1 .Nephthol 500Ml N40871 Naphthol Alpha Solution ( Alpha Naphthol Solution ) , 125 Ml 33 Aluminunsulfate 500Ml A11429 Aluminium Sulphate - 98%, 500 Gm 34 1-Nephthol 500Ml N40871 Naphthol Alpha Solution ( Alpha Naphthol Solution ) , 125 Ml ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #39 ) 35 Khso4 500Ml P12229 Potassium Bisulphate - 99% ( Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 36 Spegula 5 Nos Lkch 058 / 3 Spatula S.S. ( Spoon Type ) , 6, Heavy Quality 37 Bromine 500Ml Item 12950-250Ml, Bromine Lr-250Ml 38 Ki 1 Bottles P14317 Potassium Iodide - 99%, 100 Gm 39 Potassiumdichromater 1 Bottles P12129 Potassium Dichromate - 99.5%, 500 Gm 40 Carbondisulfide 1 Bottles C11329 Carbon Disulphide - 99%, 500 Ml 41 Function 1Nos Specs Not Clear 42 Dissection Box 5 Lkbi 007 / 3 Dissection Box ( 17 Instruments ) , Surgeon Make, Deluxe Quality 43 Calciumnitrate 500Ml C10929 Calcium Nitrate - 98%, 500 Gm 44 Boric Acid 500Ml B11729 Boric Acid - 99.5%, 500 Gm 45 Sucrose 500Ml S39929 Sucrose, 500 Gm 46 Cotton Blue 500Ml L11629 Lactophenol - Cotton Blue M.S., 500 Ml 47 24 Acetocarmine 500Ml A35671 Acetocarmine, 100 Ml 48 Phenosthelin 500Ml P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml 49 The Crucible 5Ml Lkch 022 / 1 Crucible With Lid ( Porcelain ) , 15Ml. 50 Cavity Tiles 5 Lkbi 003 / 1 Cavity Plate / Spot Plate ( Porcelain ) , 6 Cavity 51 Ph Indicatorleʃer 5 Packet I41056 Indicator Paper Ph 1-14 ( Full Range ) , 200 Is 52 Ph Indicatorsoluɵon 2 Bottles U40171 Universal Indicator Solution, 125 Ml 53 Filter Paper Dia 11Cm 3 54 Test Tube 15*125Mm , 10Ml 50 55 Stage Of Female Gametopyte Devlopment Chart 1 56 Common Disease Slide 1 Biology 57 Usnea , Biralve, Pinus Male & Female Specimen 1 58 Thileni Nari 1 59 Std 12 Charts Set Of 26 Sem 3 1 60 Std 12 Charts Set Of 30 Sem 4 1 61 Spirit Lamp 1 62 Flower Of Sunflower 1 Lkctf022 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Taxonomy Families: Asteraceae ( Compositae ) , Heliianthus Annuus ( Sunflower ) 63 Ext.Charactors Of Earth Worm 1 Lkcz032 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Annelida ( Black Raxine ) , Earthworm External Characters 64 Interstructure Of Earthworm 1 Lkcz033 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Annelida ( Black Raxine ) , Earthworm Internal Anatomy 65 Reproducɵve System Ofearthworm 1 Lkcz035 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Annelida ( Black Raxine ) , Earthworm Reproductive System 66 Ext. Charactors Of Cockrocach 1 Lkcz059 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Arthropoda ( Black Raxine ) , Cockroach External Character 67 Digesɵve Respiratory Sys. Ofcockrocach 1 Lkcz061 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Arthropoda ( Black Raxine ) , Cockroach Digestive System 68 Ext. Charactors Ofrat 1 Lkcz203 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Mammals ( Black Raxine ) , Rat External Characters 69 Male Female Reproducɵvesys. Of Rat 1 Lkcz206 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Mammals ( Black Raxine ) , Rat Male Reproductive System 70 T.S. Of Maize Stem 1 Lkcbo107educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Monocot Stem 71 T.S. Of Maize Root 1 Lkcbo105educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Monocot Root 72 Beads ( Green , Yellow , Red, White, ) 50 Nos And 200 Nos Set 1 73 Secchi Discs 1 74 Chatusak Metal Frem ( 2 *2 ) 1 75 Charani 4 Set 1 3 Charani, Accumulation Character, The Lid 76 T.S. Of Sunflower Root 1 Lkcbo104educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Dicot Root 77 T.S. Of Sumflower Of Stem. 1 Lkcbo106educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Dicot Stem ( Sunflower ) 78 Human Digestive System 1 Lkcha010 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Systems Of Human Body ( Black Raxine ) , Digestive System 79 Human Theeth Structure 1 Lkcha033 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Structures / Organs ( Black Raxine ) , Teeth 80 Human Respiratory Sys 1 Lkcha011 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Systems Of Human Body ( Black Raxine ) , Respiratory System 81 Human Heart And Cardiac Cycle 1 Lkcha017 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Structures / Organs ( Black Raxine ) , Heart 82 Human Skeleton ( Anterior And Posteriorview ) 1 Lkcha003 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Systems Of Human Body ( Black Raxine ) , Skeleton I ( Entire Skeleton, Vertebral Column & Skull ) 83 Glass Plate 4*3 3 Lkgp Glass Mirror Plate, 10Cm X 10Cm. 84 Fricɵon Bohdpasco 1 Lkph 023 Wooden Block With Hook, Rectangular, Size 100X75x15mm. 85 Spring Balance500 Hm 1 Lkph 238 / 2 Spring Balance, Tubular Acrylic 500Gm 86 Youmges Modulusverniertype 1 Lkph 214 / 4 Searles Apparatus ( Young Modulus ) , Vernier Type. 87 Capilaiy Tube Setof 3 Difeekentbose 1 Lkph 676 Capillary Tube ( Set Of 3 Different Dia. ) 6 Length. 88 Viscecity App With Metal Stend, Glass Tube With Rubber Core And Thistle Funnel 1 Lkph 262 / 3 Viscosity Apparatus ( Stokes Law ) 1 Meter Tube Of 35Mm Dia To Fit In Provided Metal Stand ( Without Liquid ) Provided With Graduated Acrylic Tube ( Unbreakable ) 89 Bas Memget 1 Lkph 009 / 2 Bar Magnet Alnico Make, ( Superior Quality ) , 50X11x7mm ( 2 ) 90 Sonometer Board Withpan 1 Lkph 229 / 2 Sonometer, Teak Wood ( Brass Fitting ) . 91 Veltmete_Lou Mr80 2 Lkph 265 / 3 Voltmeter ( Edm-80 ) Square Dial, Dc, Range 5 Volt 92 Mili Ammete500 Ma Ma 80 2 Lkph 148 / 3 Milli-Ammeter Dc, Range 500Ma ( Edm-80 ) Square 93 B / Eliminat8 24Ol12 V 2Amp 4 Lkei 002 / 2 Battery Eliminators ( Superior Quality ) Dc, 2-12V Dc, 2Amp 94 Refostate :8 2 Lkph A201 / 8 Rheostat ( Brass Rod ) , 4.3Cm Dia Tube, Length 20Cms, 55 Ohms, 1.8 Amps Physics Lab 95 Plug Key 1Way 3 Lkph 176 / 2 Plug Key, One Way With ½” Brass Block, Superior Quality 96 Galvanometer30-0-30:M 80 3 Lkph 084 / 3 Galvanometer, ( Dc With Stand ) 30-0-30, Edm-80, ( Square ) . 97 Resistancecoils 1 Lkph 197 / 1 10 Round Bakelite Case. Range 10 Ohms 98 Potentionmete R 4 Wire 2 Lkph 197 / 1 10 Round Bakelite Case. Range 10 Ohms 99 Ladhlanche_C Ell 1 Lkph 123 Leclanche Cell ( Complete ) , Includes Filled Porous Pot, Zinc Rod & Plastic Jar ( Without Chemicals ) . 100 Dunielcell. 1 Lkph 062 Daniel Cell ( Complete ) , Includes Copper Pot, Empty Porous Pot & Zinc Rod. 101 Reversible Key 1 Lkph 200 Reversing Key. 102 Plug Key 2Way 2 Lkph 176 / 4 Plug Key, Two Way With ½” Brass Block, Superior Quality 103 Connecting Leads ( Set Of 8 ) 2 Lkei 099 / 1 Connecting Leads ( Spare Leads For Equipments ) , Banana To Banana ( Non Stackable ) 104 Optical Bench 4 Upright , 1 Mtr Long Double Rod :Heavy 2 Lkph 162 / 1 Optical Bench ( Metal Double Rod ) , Brass Pipe, 1Meter Long ( Half Shaper Riders ) . 105 Half Meterscale 2 Lkph 145 / 4 Meter Scale, Half Meter, Superior Quality ( Wooden ) . 106 Concave Mirror:3:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 044 / 5 Concave Lens, Dia 75Mm F.L.15Cm 107 Concave Mirror:3:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 047 / 2 Concave Mirror, F.L.20Cm, Dia 75Mm 108 Concave Mirror:3:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 047 / 2 Concave Mirror, F.L.30Cm, Dia 75Mm 109 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 110 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 20Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 111 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 30Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 112 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 113 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 20Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 114 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 30Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 115 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 045 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Convex Lens ( Exact ) ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #37 ) 116 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 045 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 20Cm Convex Lens ( Exact ) ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #38 ) 117 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 045 / B 30 Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 30Cm, Convex Lens ( Exact ) ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #39 ) 118 Battery :2V 2 Ph 122 / 1 Lead Accumulator ( Battery ) Globe Make 2V-20Ah 119 Resistance Box :50Hms 2 Lkph 195 / 8 Resistance Box, ( Brass ) Plug Type; Constantan Coil, 1 / 2 Brass Block, Teak Wood Case ( Deluxe Quality ) 1-50 Ohm 120 Drawing Beard 2 Lkph 072 / 1 Drawing Board, ( Superior Quality Soft Wood ) , 12X18. 121 Glass Prism 2 Lkph 087 / 2 Glass Prism; Equilateral 60X60x60º, 50Mm ( Superior Quality ) 122 Glass Slad 2 Lkph 089 / 2 Glass Slab ( English Glass ) , 75X50x18 Mm. 123 Parallex Pin 4 Lkph 167 Optical Needle ( Parallax Pin ) , 100Mm Iron, C.P. 124 Retest Stand 2 Lkph 112 / 2 Iron Stand ( With Clamp & Boss Head ) , 7X5 Sheet Metal ( Retort Stand ) , Superior Quality With Dipress Clamp & Bosshead 125 P.N Junction Diod Chercteristics With Four Meters 1 126 Zerur Diode V -1 Characteristics With Two Meters 1 127 Npn / Pnp Tranas Tor Characteristics Withfour Meters 1 128 Power Pack Supply For Sono Meter 1 129 Sphero Meter Pye Type Double Discs S.S Rod And S.S Lays 1 130 Horse Shoe Mognet & Stand 2 131 Leads ( Set Of 8 ) 3 132 Study Of Logic Gates Appcratus 1 133 Power Supplu For Zoner Diode 1 134 Power Supply For Transistor ( Npn / Pnp ) 1 135 Weighter 1 136 Vernier Calliper Ime:Omega 2 Lkph 259 / 2 Vernier Calliper, Ime Type, 12 Cm, Chrome Plated. 137 Micrometer Screw Gauge:25Mm:Omege 2 Lkphn 100 / 2 Screw Gauge ( Micrometer ) , Stainless Steel Rod, 25Mm. 138 Element For Vernier Callipes :Exp In Plasɵcdabbi 1 Lkph 057 / 4 Cubes ( Aluminium ) 25Mm. 139 Stop Clock 1 Lkph 246 / 2 Stop Clock, Metal Body ( 60Min. ) Smith Type, Fly Back Action, Esal Make. 140 Dry Cell 2 Lkphn 30 Dry Cell ( 2Volt ) Globe Make Short Life ( No Return ) . 141 Watch Glass 10 Lkbi 051 / 3 Watch Glass Dia 3 ( Superior Quality Per Dozen ) 142 Plain Slide - Pkt Of 50 2 Lkbi 042 Plain Slide, Size 75X25mm Glass, Thickness 1.35 ( Pk Of 50 ) 143 Cover Slip -Pktof 30 5 Lkbi 005 / 2 Coverslip, ( Pk. Of 10Gm ) , 18Mm, Round 144 Pre Slid - Meosis -Mitosis 1 Lkbi 053 / 8 Prepared Slide For Microscope, Slide Meiosis, Set Of 12 Slides 145 Aceɵc Acidsds 1 A10129 Acetic Acid Glacial - 99.5%, 500 Ml 146 Aceto Carminesds 1 A35671 Acetocarmine, 100 Ml Biology Lab 147 Benedicreagent Sds 1 B20829 Benedicts Reagent Qualitative, 500 Ml 148 Biuretreagent Sds 1 B21671 Biuret Reagent, 125 Ml 149 Blotting Paper 10 Blotting Paper, 18X22 150 151 Chloroformsds 1 C11829 Chloroform - 99%, 500 Ml 152 Eosinesoluɵons Sds 1 E30971 Eosin Yellow Stain Solution 2% W / V, 125 Ml 153 Calcumnitrate 1 C10929 Calcium Nitrate - 98%, 500 Gm 154 Boris Acid 1 B11729 Boric Acid - 99.5%, 500 Gm 155 Sucrose 1 S39929 Sucrose, 500 Gm 156 Cotton Blue 1 L11629 Lactophenol - Cotton Blue M.S., 500 Ml 157 2.4%Acetocalmine 1 A35671 Acetocarmine, 100 Ml 158 Phenolphthalein 1 P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml 159 Safranin 1 S30271 Safranine Stain Solution, 125 Ml 160 Fehling A :Sds 1 F20179 Fehlings Solution No. 1, 500 Ml 161 Fehling B :Sds 1 F20279 Fehlings Solution No. 2, 500 Ml 162 Formaldehudssds 1 F11229 Formaldehyde Solution ( 37 - 41% W / V ) ( Formalin ) , 500 Ml 163 Glycerine Sds 1 G11029 Glycerine ( Glycerol ) - 98%, 500 Ml 164 Hydrochioric Acid Sds 1 H11229 Hydrochloric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) - 35% ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 165 Iodine Solution 1 I51079 Iodine Solution N / 10, 500 Ml 166 Jenus Greensoluɵon 1 J24371 Janus Green Stain Solution, 125 Ml 167 Leishman Bluesds 1 L10475 Leishmans Stain Solution ( Stain And Solvent Separate ) , 250 Ml 168 Methyleneblus Sds 1 M31971 Methylene Blue Aqueous 1% W / V, 125 Ml 169 Millonsreagent Sds 1 M22671 Millons Reagent ( For Protein ) , 125 Ml 170 Postassiumbisulphate Sds 1 P12229 Potassium Bisulphate - 99% ( Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 171 Starch Powdersds 1 S14329 Starch Soluble, 500 Gm 172 Sulphuric Acid:Pil 1 S56079 Sulphuric Acid N / 10, 500 Ml 173 Xulene 1 X10229 Xylene Rectified - 99%, 500 Ml 174 Ganongsrespirometer 1 Lkbin15 Ganongs Respirometer, B.G. ( With Stand ) 175 Wire Gauge 3 Lkch 071 / 2 Wire Gauge, With Frame & Asbestos Centre 176 P.H Paper 3 I41056 Indicator Paper Ph 1-14 ( Full Range ) , 200 Is 177 Dropper 12 Lkpi 006 / 2 ( A ) Dropper Glass With Teat, Rubber Teat, 6 178 Tripod Stand 6 Lkch 068 / 4 Tripod Stand, 8 ( Heavy Quality ) 179 Ammonium Hydroxidc 3 A11679 Ammonia Solution Sp.Gr.0.91 ( 25% Nh3 ) ( Ammonium Hydroxide ) ( Suitable For Mirror Manufacturing Also ) , 500 Ml 180 Bar Foedssoluɵon 1 B20171 Barfoeds Reagent, 125 Ml 181 Bile Salt 1 B10517 Bile Salt Bacteriological, 100 Gm 182 Cobaltchloride Paper 1 C40356 Cobalt Chloride Test Paper, 200 Ls 183 Gential Violet 1 G30909 Gentian Violet Powder ( Dye Content-88 % ) , 25 Gm 184 1 Nepthol 1 N10117 Naphthol Alpha ( 1 - Naphthol ) , 100 Gm 185 Nitric Acid 1 N10730 Nitric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -70 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 186 Phenol Redsoluɵon 1 P40671 Phenol Red Solution, 125 Ml 187 Phenolphthele Ne 1 P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #82 ) 188 Postassiumchoride 1 P11829 Potassium Chloride - 99.5%, 500 Gm 189 Postassiumdichromate 1 P12129 Potassium Dichromate - 99.5%, 500 Gm 190 Postassium Hydroxide -Pellets 1 P12529 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets - 85%, 500 Gm 191 Sodiumchloride 1 S12229 Sodium Chloride - 99.5%, 500 Gm 192 Sulpher -Finay 1 S14529 Sulphur Powder - 99.5%, 500 Gm 193 Suphosalicylic Acid 250 1 S14417 Sulphosalicylic Acid - 99%, 100 Gm 194 Maize Leaf 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Maize Leaf 195 Maize Root 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Maize Root 196 Sunflower Leat 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Sunflower Leat 197 Sunflowerstem 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Sunflower Stem 198 Wash Bottle 25 Polylab 36602 Wash Bottle 250 Ml 199 Beaker Borosiucate 1000Ml 2 Lkch 112 / 5 Beaker Graduated, B.G., 1000Ml 200 Burette Stend Rod And Plate 20 201 Burette 50 Ml Bsg Stop Cock 20 202 Beacker 100 Ml Polylab 20 203 Beacker 50Ml Polylab 50 204 Test Tube Holder Wooden Handle 15 205 Conical Flask 250Ml Bsg 20 206 Pippette 10 Ml Volumeteric Bsg 20 207 Reagent Bottle 250Ml N.M Soda Glass 10 208 Measuring Cyl. 10 Ml Polylab 10 209 Measuring Cyl. 50 Ml Polylab 5 210 Measuring Jug ( 2 Liter ) 4 211 Glass Dropper 12 Inch 15 212 Glass Dropper 6 Inch 10 Chemistry 213 Watch Glass ( 2 Inch ) 10 214 Watch Glass ( Inch ) 10 215 Platinum Wire 25 216 Blow Pipe Ss 10 217 Spactula Ss 10 218 Spactula Plastic 10 219 Thermo Meter Alcohol 5 220 Thermo Meter Mercure 5 221 Glass Rod ( 12 Inch ) 15 222 Stirrer ( 6 Inch ) 10 223 Dropping Bottle 60Ml 10 224 Acetic Acid Glacial ( 500Ml ) 1 225 Ph Indicator Papers Ph ( 2-10.5 With Colour Scale ) 1 226 Ph Paper 1 227 Potassium Permanganate 500Gm 1 228 Filter Paper Sheets 1 Size ( 460Mm * 570Mm Sheet ) 25 229 Funnel Plastic -3 25 Polylab 57202 Analytical Funnel 75 Mm 230 Tripod Stand ; Heavy 20 Lkch 068 / 4 Tripod Stand, 8 ( Heavy Quality ) 231 Volumetric Flask 250Ml 25 Lkch 139 / 4 Volumetric Flask ( Measuring Flask ) , B.G., 250Ml 232 Measurins Cylinder 250 Ml ( Plastic ) 2 Polylab 80035 Measuring Cylinder 250 Ml ( Hexagonal ) 233 Measurins Cylinder 100 Ml ( Plastic ) 2 Polylab 80034 Measuring Cylinder 100 Ml ( Hexagonal ) 234 Burner With Stop Cock 5 Lkch 009 / 2 Bunsen Burner ( Brass Pipe 150Mm & Dia.12Mm ) Superior, With Stop Cock ( Heavy Base ) . 235 Wire Gauge 25 Lkch 071 / 2 Wire Gauge, With Frame & Asbestos Centre 236 Droper With Teat For Reasent Bottle ( 250Ml ) 10 Lkpi 006 / 2 ( A ) Dropper Glass With Teat, Rubber Teat, 6 237 Methyloranse Sds 2 M41471 Methyl Orange Solution, 125 Ml. 238 Phenolphthele Ne Sds 2 P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml 239 Acetion Acid Sds ( 500Ml ) 2 A10129 Acetic Acid Glacial - 99.5%, 500 Ml 240 Distilled Water W / Carboy 20 Ltr 1 D15051 D.M. Water ( Deionised Water ) , 5 L 241 Hydrochloric Acid Sds ( 500 Ml ) 4 H11229 Hydrochloric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) - 35% ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 242 Nitri Acid Sds ( 500Ml ) 4 N10730 Nitric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -70 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 243 Oxclic Acid Sds ( 500 Gm ) 2 O10229 Oxalic Acid - 99.5%, 500 Gm 244 Potassium Hydroxied - Flakes Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 P12429 Potassium Hydroxide Flakes - 85%, 500 Gm 245 Sodium Bicarbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S11929 Sodium Bicarbonate - 99% ( Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate ) , 500 Gm 246 Sodium Carbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S12029 Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous - 99.5%, 500 Gm 247 Sodium Hydroxied - Flakes Sds ( 500Gm ) 2 S12829 Sodium Hydroxide Flakes - 96%, 500 Gm 248 Sulphuric Acid Sds ( 500Gm ) 4 S15130 Sulphuric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -97 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 249 Ammonium Carbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A14129 Ammonium Carbonate - 30% Nh, 500 Gm 250 Ammonium Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A11929 Ammonium Chloride - 99%, 500 Gm 251 Ammonium Molybdate Sds ( 50Gm ) 1 A12717 Ammonium Molybdate - 98%, 100 Gm 252 Ammonium Oxlate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 A13129 Ammonium Oxalate - 99%, 500 Gm 253 Ammonium Sulphate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A13329 Ammonium Sulphate - 98.5%, 500 Gm 254 Barium Nitrate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 B10729 Barium Nitrate - 98%, 500 Gm 255 Calcium Sulphate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 C11129 Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate - 98.5%, 500 Gm 256 Ferric Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 F10329 Ferric Chloride Anhydrous - 96%, 500 Gm 257 Lead Acetated Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 L10129 Lead Acetate - 99%, 500 Gm 258 Magnesium Chloride Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 M10129 Magnesium Chloride - 97%, 500 Gm 259 Magnesium Sulphate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 M10329 Magnesium Sulphate - 99%, 500 Gm 260 Magnesium Chloride Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 Magnesium Chloride Sds ( 500 Gm ) 261 Potassium Bromide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P14129 Potassium Bromide - 98.5%, 500 Gm 262 Potassium Chromate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P11929 Potassium Chromate - 99%, 500 Gm 263 Potassium Ferrocymide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P12929 Potassium Ferrocyanide - 99%, 500 Gm 264 Potassium Ferricymide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P12325 Potassium Ferricyanide - 99%, 250 Gm 265 Potassium Iodide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P14317 Potassium Iodide - 99%, 100 Gm 266 Potassium Pyroantimonat E Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 P10217 Potassium Pyroantimonate - 99%, 100 Gm 267 Potassium Thiocynate Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 P13639 Potassium Thiocyanate - 98%, 500 Gm 268 Potassium Phosphate Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 P12629 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate, 500 Gm 269 Sliver Nitrate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 S42005 Silver Nitrate - 99.8%, 10 Gm 270 Sodium Bicarbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S11929 Sodium Bicarbonate - 99% ( Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate ) , 500 Gm 271 Sodium Bromide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 S11709 Sodium Bromide - 99%, 500 Gm 272 Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S13129 Di-Sodium Hydrogen Orthophosphate Anhydrous-99 % ( Sodium Phosphate Dibasic ) , 500 Gm 273 Sodium Hydroxide Sds ( 500Gm ) 2 S12929 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets - 97%, 500 Gm 274 Zinc Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 Z10329 Zinc Chloride Anhydrous - 95%, 500 Gm 275 Zinc Sulphate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 Z10729 Zinc Sulphate - 99%, 500 Gm 276 Barium Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 B10329 Barium Chloride - 99%, 500 Gm 277 Cadminm Nitrate ( 100 Gm ) 1 C10217 Cadmium Nitrate - 99%, 100 Gm 278 Copper Sulphate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 C12929 Cupric Sulphate ( Copper Sulphate ) -98.5%, 500 Gm 279 Ferrous Ammine Sulphate ( 500G M ) 1 A12429 Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate - 98.5% ( Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 280 Ferrous Sulphate ( 500Gm ) 1 F10729 Ferrous Sulphate - 98%, 500 Gm 281 Lead Nitrate ( 100Gm ) 1 L30329 Lead Nitrate - 99%, 500 Gm 282 Picri Acid ( 500 Gm ) 1 Item 16910-500Gm, Picric Acid Lr-500Gm 283 Potassium Dichromate ( 500Gm ) 1 P12129 Potassium Dichromate - 99.5%, 500 Gm 284 Potassium Oxaite ( 500Gm ) 1 P13229 Potassium Oxalate - 99%, 500 Gm 285 Potassium Permenganate ( 500Gm ) 1 P13429 Potassium Permanganate - 99%, 500 Gm 286 Acetamide Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A10025 Acetamide - 97%, 250 Gm 287 Acetone Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A10529 Acetone - 99%, 500 Ml 288 Aniline ( 500Gm ) 1 A10629 Aniline - 99%, 500 Ml 289 Benzaldehyde Sds ( 500 Gm ) 2 B11479 Benzaldehyde - 98%, 500 Ml 290 Benzamide Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 B11125 Benzamide - 98%, 250 Gm 291 Benzyl Alcohol Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 B11679 Benzyl Alcohol - 99%, 500 Ml 292 Chlorobenzen E Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 M11629 Chlorobenzene ( Monochlorobenzene ) - 99%, 500 Ml 293 Chloroform Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 C11829 Chloroform - 99%, 500 Ml 294 Ethyl Acetate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 E11429 Ethyl Acetate - 99%, 500 Ml 295 Fehling A Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 F20179 Fehlings Solution No. 1, 500 Ml 296 Fehling B Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 F20279 Fehlings Solution No. 2, 500 Ml 297 Liquer Ammonia Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 A11689 Ammonia Solution 10% ( 10% Nh3 ) , 500 Ml 298 Meta Oi -Nitro Benzene ( 500Gm ) 1 D41317 M-Dinitro Benzene ( 1, 3 Dinitro Benzene ) -98%, 250 Gm 299 Methyl Acetatde Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 M12429 Methyl Acetate - 99%, 500 Ml 300 Napthelene Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 N10329 Naphthalene Powder - 99%, 500 Gm 301 Nitro Benzene Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 N11579 Nitrobenzene - 99%, 500 Ml 302 Phenol Sds ( 500 Gm ) 2 P10429 Phenol ( Carbolic Acid ) - 99%, 500 Gm 303 Resorcinol Sds ( 250Gm ) 1 R11217 Resorcinol - 99%, 100 Gm 304 Soudium Cobalti Nitrate ( 100 Gm ) 1 S12617 Sodium Cobaltinitrite - 95%, 100 Gm 305 Soudium Nitropruside Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 S13617 Sodium Nitroprusside - 99%, 100 Gm 306 Aluminium Chloride ( 500 Gm ) 1 A15025 Aluminium Chloride Anhydrous - 98%, 250 Gm 307 Bromin ( 500 Ml ) 1 Item 12950-250Ml, Bromine Lr-250Ml 308 Sodium Suphide ( 500 Gm ) 1 S16329 Sodium Sulphide Flakes - 55%, 500 Gm 309 Calcium Hydroxide ( 500Gm ) 1 C11529 Calcium Hydroxide - 95%, 500 Gm 310 Urea ( 500Gm ) 1 U10229 Urea - 99%, 500 Gm 311 Hydrogen Peroxide ( 500 Gm ) 2 H10729 Hydrogen Peroxide 100 Vol. ( 30% W / V ) , 500 Ml 312 Carbon Tetrachloride ( 500Ml ) 1 Item 13430-500Ml, Carbon Tetrachloride Lr-500Ml 313 Nessler Reagent 2 N20271 Nesslers Reagent ( For Detection Of Ammonia & Ammonium Salts ) , 125 Ml 314 Ammonium Sulphide 1 Item 12270-500Ml Ammonium Sulphide Solution 20% 500Ml 315 Ammonium Acetate 1 A11829 Ammonium Acetate - 96%, 500 Gm 316 Methanol 500 Ml 2 M12029 Methanol ( Methyl Alcohol ) Acetone Free ( Suitable For Stains & Indicators ) - 99%, 500 Ml 317 Ethnol 500 Ml 2 Testing Solution, 500Ml 318 Ninhydrin 500 Ml 2 N40971 Ninhydrin Solution, 125 Ml 319 Ceric Ammonium Nitate 2 A15617 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate - 98%, 100 Gm 320 Schiff Reagent 2 S26071 Schiffs Reagent ( For Detection Of Aldehydes ) , 125 Ml 321 2, 4-Dnp 2 D10809 2, 4 - Dinitro Phenylhydrazine, 25 Gm 322 Sodium Nitrite 2 S15729 Sodium Nitrite - 96%, 500 Gm 323 1 -Napthol 2 N10117 Naphthol Alpha ( 1 - Naphthol ) , 100 Gm 324 Aluminium Sulphate 1 A11429 Aluminium Sulphate - 98%, 500 Gm 325 Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate 2 P12229 Potassium Bisulphate - 99% ( Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 326 Starch 500Gm 2 S14329 Starch Soluble, 500 Gm 327 Tollens Reagent 2 T33271 Tollens Reagent, 100 Ml 328 Physics Lab Table 1 4Feet Length * 8 Feet Width * 4 Feet Height Table With Electric Pannel Fitting 329 Biology Lab Table 1 4Feet Length * 8 Feet Width * 4 Feet Height Table With Electric Pannel Fitting, Shrink Fitting 330 Chemistry Lab Table 1 4Feet Length * 8 Feet Width * 4 Feet Height Table With Electric Pannel Fitting, Shrink Fitting Gas Line Fitting

Tender Notice


Department Of Education



March 18, 2023

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Bids Are Invited For 1 Optical Bench 2 Kph 162 / 1 Optical Bench ( Metal Double Rod ) , Brass Pipe, 1Meter Long ( Half Shaper Riders ) . 2 Jockey Club 4 Lkph 114 Jockey ( Pencil Jockey ) . 3 Meter Scale ( Wooden ) 4 Lkph 145 / 2 Meter Scale, One Meter, Superior Quality ( Wooden ) . 4 Converging Lens 2 Lkph 045 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Convex Lens ( Exact ) 5 Convex Mirror 2 Lkph 046 / 1 Convex Mirror, F.L.15Cm, Dia 50Mm 6 Galvanometer 1 Lkph 084 / 3 Galvanometer, ( Dc With Stand ) 30-0-30, Edm80, ( Square ) . 7 Votmeter 10V Mr-80 4 Lkph 265 / 3 Voltmeter ( Edm-80 ) Square Dial, Dc, Range 10 Volt 8 Watch Glass 1 Lkbi 051 / 3 Watch Glass Dia 3 ( Superior Quality Per Dozen ) 9 Hno3 2 Bottles N10730 Nitric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -70 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 10 Hcl 2 Bottles H11229 Hydrochloric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) - 35% ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 11 H2so4 2 Bottles S15130 Sulphuric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -97 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 12 Spirit Forspirit Lamp 2 Bottles L20129 Lamposolv ( For Spirit Lamp ) , 500 Ml 13 Nh3 2 Bottles A11689 Ammonia Solution 10% ( 10% Nh3 ) , 500 Ml 14 Pan ( Small Geman Metalskillet ) 2Nos Not Available 15 Agno3 500Ml S61579 Silver Nitrate Solution N / 50, 500 Ml 16 Ch3cooh 500Ml A10129 Acetic Acid Glacial - 99.5%, 500 Ml Chemistry Physics 17 Chcl3 500Ml C11829 Chloroform - 99%, 500 Ml 18 Ccl4 500Ml Item 13430-500Ml, Carbon Tetrachloride Lr-500Ml 19 H202 500Ml H20379 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 3% W / V ( 10 Vol. ) , 500 Ml 20 Tollensprocess 500Ml T33271 Tollens Reagent, 100 Ml 21 Borax Powder 500Ml B11829 Di-Sodium Tetraborate ( Borax ) - 99%, 500 Gm 22 ( Nh4 ) 2 S 500Ml Y12029 Yellow Ammonium Sulphide Solution ( Ammonium Sulphide Solution Yellow ) , 500 Ml 23 Ammonuimacetate 500Ml A11829 Ammonium Acetate - 96%, 500 Gm 24 Starch Letter 20 S44950 Starch Iodide Paper, 100 Is 25 Ch3oh 500Ml M12029 Methanol ( Methyl Alcohol ) Acetone Free ( Suitable For Stains & Indicators ) - 99%, 500 Ml 26 Ethenol 500Ml Testing Solution, 500Ml 27 Ninhydrin 500Ml N40971 Ninhydrin Solution, 125 Ml 28 Cyric Ammoniumnitrate 500Ml A15617 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate - 98%, 100 Gm 29 Naocl 500Ml S10683 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution- ( Available Chlorine 5% W / V ) , 1 L 30 2, 4 Di Nitrophenyl Hygiene 500Ml D10809 2, 4 - Dinitro Phenylhydrazine, 25 Gm 31 Nano2 500Ml S15729 Sodium Nitrite - 96%, 500 Gm 32 1 .Nephthol 500Ml N40871 Naphthol Alpha Solution ( Alpha Naphthol Solution ) , 125 Ml 33 Aluminunsulfate 500Ml A11429 Aluminium Sulphate - 98%, 500 Gm 34 1-Nephthol 500Ml N40871 Naphthol Alpha Solution ( Alpha Naphthol Solution ) , 125 Ml ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #39 ) 35 Khso4 500Ml P12229 Potassium Bisulphate - 99% ( Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 36 Spegula 5 Nos Lkch 058 / 3 Spatula S.S. ( Spoon Type ) , 6, Heavy Quality 37 Bromine 500Ml Item 12950-250Ml, Bromine Lr-250Ml 38 Ki 1 Bottles P14317 Potassium Iodide - 99%, 100 Gm 39 Potassiumdichromater 1 Bottles P12129 Potassium Dichromate - 99.5%, 500 Gm 40 Carbondisulfide 1 Bottles C11329 Carbon Disulphide - 99%, 500 Ml 41 Function 1Nos Specs Not Clear 42 Dissection Box 5 Lkbi 007 / 3 Dissection Box ( 17 Instruments ) , Surgeon Make, Deluxe Quality 43 Calciumnitrate 500Ml C10929 Calcium Nitrate - 98%, 500 Gm 44 Boric Acid 500Ml B11729 Boric Acid - 99.5%, 500 Gm 45 Sucrose 500Ml S39929 Sucrose, 500 Gm 46 Cotton Blue 500Ml L11629 Lactophenol - Cotton Blue M.S., 500 Ml 47 24 Acetocarmine 500Ml A35671 Acetocarmine, 100 Ml 48 Phenosthelin 500Ml P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml 49 The Crucible 5Ml Lkch 022 / 1 Crucible With Lid ( Porcelain ) , 15Ml. 50 Cavity Tiles 5 Lkbi 003 / 1 Cavity Plate / Spot Plate ( Porcelain ) , 6 Cavity 51 Ph Indicatorleʃer 5 Packet I41056 Indicator Paper Ph 1-14 ( Full Range ) , 200 Is 52 Ph Indicatorsoluɵon 2 Bottles U40171 Universal Indicator Solution, 125 Ml 53 Filter Paper Dia 11Cm 3 54 Test Tube 15*125Mm , 10Ml 50 55 Stage Of Female Gametopyte Devlopment Chart 1 56 Common Disease Slide 1 Biology 57 Usnea , Biralve, Pinus Male & Female Specimen 1 58 Thileni Nari 1 59 Std 12 Charts Set Of 26 Sem 3 1 60 Std 12 Charts Set Of 30 Sem 4 1 61 Spirit Lamp 1 62 Flower Of Sunflower 1 Lkctf022 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Taxonomy Families: Asteraceae ( Compositae ) , Heliianthus Annuus ( Sunflower ) 63 Ext.Charactors Of Earth Worm 1 Lkcz032 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Annelida ( Black Raxine ) , Earthworm External Characters 64 Interstructure Of Earthworm 1 Lkcz033 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Annelida ( Black Raxine ) , Earthworm Internal Anatomy 65 Reproducɵve System Ofearthworm 1 Lkcz035 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Annelida ( Black Raxine ) , Earthworm Reproductive System 66 Ext. Charactors Of Cockrocach 1 Lkcz059 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Arthropoda ( Black Raxine ) , Cockroach External Character 67 Digesɵve Respiratory Sys. Ofcockrocach 1 Lkcz061 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Arthropoda ( Black Raxine ) , Cockroach Digestive System 68 Ext. Charactors Ofrat 1 Lkcz203 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Mammals ( Black Raxine ) , Rat External Characters 69 Male Female Reproducɵvesys. Of Rat 1 Lkcz206 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Zoology: Mammals ( Black Raxine ) , Rat Male Reproductive System 70 T.S. Of Maize Stem 1 Lkcbo107educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Monocot Stem 71 T.S. Of Maize Root 1 Lkcbo105educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Monocot Root 72 Beads ( Green , Yellow , Red, White, ) 50 Nos And 200 Nos Set 1 73 Secchi Discs 1 74 Chatusak Metal Frem ( 2 *2 ) 1 75 Charani 4 Set 1 3 Charani, Accumulation Character, The Lid 76 T.S. Of Sunflower Root 1 Lkcbo104educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Dicot Root 77 T.S. Of Sumflower Of Stem. 1 Lkcbo106educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Botany: Roots, Stems, Leaves ( Black Raxine ) , T.S. Dicot Stem ( Sunflower ) 78 Human Digestive System 1 Lkcha010 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Systems Of Human Body ( Black Raxine ) , Digestive System 79 Human Theeth Structure 1 Lkcha033 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Structures / Organs ( Black Raxine ) , Teeth 80 Human Respiratory Sys 1 Lkcha011 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Systems Of Human Body ( Black Raxine ) , Respiratory System 81 Human Heart And Cardiac Cycle 1 Lkcha017 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Structures / Organs ( Black Raxine ) , Heart 82 Human Skeleton ( Anterior And Posteriorview ) 1 Lkcha003 Educational Raxine Charts ( Size 75X100cm ) ; Human Anatomy: Systems Of Human Body ( Black Raxine ) , Skeleton I ( Entire Skeleton, Vertebral Column & Skull ) 83 Glass Plate 4*3 3 Lkgp Glass Mirror Plate, 10Cm X 10Cm. 84 Fricɵon Bohdpasco 1 Lkph 023 Wooden Block With Hook, Rectangular, Size 100X75x15mm. 85 Spring Balance500 Hm 1 Lkph 238 / 2 Spring Balance, Tubular Acrylic 500Gm 86 Youmges Modulusverniertype 1 Lkph 214 / 4 Searles Apparatus ( Young Modulus ) , Vernier Type. 87 Capilaiy Tube Setof 3 Difeekentbose 1 Lkph 676 Capillary Tube ( Set Of 3 Different Dia. ) 6 Length. 88 Viscecity App With Metal Stend, Glass Tube With Rubber Core And Thistle Funnel 1 Lkph 262 / 3 Viscosity Apparatus ( Stokes Law ) 1 Meter Tube Of 35Mm Dia To Fit In Provided Metal Stand ( Without Liquid ) Provided With Graduated Acrylic Tube ( Unbreakable ) 89 Bas Memget 1 Lkph 009 / 2 Bar Magnet Alnico Make, ( Superior Quality ) , 50X11x7mm ( 2 ) 90 Sonometer Board Withpan 1 Lkph 229 / 2 Sonometer, Teak Wood ( Brass Fitting ) . 91 Veltmete_Lou Mr80 2 Lkph 265 / 3 Voltmeter ( Edm-80 ) Square Dial, Dc, Range 5 Volt 92 Mili Ammete500 Ma Ma 80 2 Lkph 148 / 3 Milli-Ammeter Dc, Range 500Ma ( Edm-80 ) Square 93 B / Eliminat8 24Ol12 V 2Amp 4 Lkei 002 / 2 Battery Eliminators ( Superior Quality ) Dc, 2-12V Dc, 2Amp 94 Refostate :8 2 Lkph A201 / 8 Rheostat ( Brass Rod ) , 4.3Cm Dia Tube, Length 20Cms, 55 Ohms, 1.8 Amps Physics Lab 95 Plug Key 1Way 3 Lkph 176 / 2 Plug Key, One Way With ½” Brass Block, Superior Quality 96 Galvanometer30-0-30:M 80 3 Lkph 084 / 3 Galvanometer, ( Dc With Stand ) 30-0-30, Edm-80, ( Square ) . 97 Resistancecoils 1 Lkph 197 / 1 10 Round Bakelite Case. Range 10 Ohms 98 Potentionmete R 4 Wire 2 Lkph 197 / 1 10 Round Bakelite Case. Range 10 Ohms 99 Ladhlanche_C Ell 1 Lkph 123 Leclanche Cell ( Complete ) , Includes Filled Porous Pot, Zinc Rod & Plastic Jar ( Without Chemicals ) . 100 Dunielcell. 1 Lkph 062 Daniel Cell ( Complete ) , Includes Copper Pot, Empty Porous Pot & Zinc Rod. 101 Reversible Key 1 Lkph 200 Reversing Key. 102 Plug Key 2Way 2 Lkph 176 / 4 Plug Key, Two Way With ½” Brass Block, Superior Quality 103 Connecting Leads ( Set Of 8 ) 2 Lkei 099 / 1 Connecting Leads ( Spare Leads For Equipments ) , Banana To Banana ( Non Stackable ) 104 Optical Bench 4 Upright , 1 Mtr Long Double Rod :Heavy 2 Lkph 162 / 1 Optical Bench ( Metal Double Rod ) , Brass Pipe, 1Meter Long ( Half Shaper Riders ) . 105 Half Meterscale 2 Lkph 145 / 4 Meter Scale, Half Meter, Superior Quality ( Wooden ) . 106 Concave Mirror:3:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 044 / 5 Concave Lens, Dia 75Mm F.L.15Cm 107 Concave Mirror:3:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 047 / 2 Concave Mirror, F.L.20Cm, Dia 75Mm 108 Concave Mirror:3:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 047 / 2 Concave Mirror, F.L.30Cm, Dia 75Mm 109 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 110 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 20Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 111 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 30Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 112 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 113 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 20Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 114 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 044 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 30Cm, Concave Lens ( Exact ) 115 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Lkph 045 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 15Cm, Convex Lens ( Exact ) ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #37 ) 116 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 045 / B Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 20Cm Convex Lens ( Exact ) ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #38 ) 117 Concave Lense:2:15-30 Fl 3 Ph 045 / B 30 Lens ( Exact Focal Length ) Dia 2 Fl 30Cm, Convex Lens ( Exact ) ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #39 ) 118 Battery :2V 2 Ph 122 / 1 Lead Accumulator ( Battery ) Globe Make 2V-20Ah 119 Resistance Box :50Hms 2 Lkph 195 / 8 Resistance Box, ( Brass ) Plug Type; Constantan Coil, 1 / 2 Brass Block, Teak Wood Case ( Deluxe Quality ) 1-50 Ohm 120 Drawing Beard 2 Lkph 072 / 1 Drawing Board, ( Superior Quality Soft Wood ) , 12X18. 121 Glass Prism 2 Lkph 087 / 2 Glass Prism; Equilateral 60X60x60º, 50Mm ( Superior Quality ) 122 Glass Slad 2 Lkph 089 / 2 Glass Slab ( English Glass ) , 75X50x18 Mm. 123 Parallex Pin 4 Lkph 167 Optical Needle ( Parallax Pin ) , 100Mm Iron, C.P. 124 Retest Stand 2 Lkph 112 / 2 Iron Stand ( With Clamp & Boss Head ) , 7X5 Sheet Metal ( Retort Stand ) , Superior Quality With Dipress Clamp & Bosshead 125 P.N Junction Diod Chercteristics With Four Meters 1 126 Zerur Diode V -1 Characteristics With Two Meters 1 127 Npn / Pnp Tranas Tor Characteristics Withfour Meters 1 128 Power Pack Supply For Sono Meter 1 129 Sphero Meter Pye Type Double Discs S.S Rod And S.S Lays 1 130 Horse Shoe Mognet & Stand 2 131 Leads ( Set Of 8 ) 3 132 Study Of Logic Gates Appcratus 1 133 Power Supplu For Zoner Diode 1 134 Power Supply For Transistor ( Npn / Pnp ) 1 135 Weighter 1 136 Vernier Calliper Ime:Omega 2 Lkph 259 / 2 Vernier Calliper, Ime Type, 12 Cm, Chrome Plated. 137 Micrometer Screw Gauge:25Mm:Omege 2 Lkphn 100 / 2 Screw Gauge ( Micrometer ) , Stainless Steel Rod, 25Mm. 138 Element For Vernier Callipes :Exp In Plasɵcdabbi 1 Lkph 057 / 4 Cubes ( Aluminium ) 25Mm. 139 Stop Clock 1 Lkph 246 / 2 Stop Clock, Metal Body ( 60Min. ) Smith Type, Fly Back Action, Esal Make. 140 Dry Cell 2 Lkphn 30 Dry Cell ( 2Volt ) Globe Make Short Life ( No Return ) . 141 Watch Glass 10 Lkbi 051 / 3 Watch Glass Dia 3 ( Superior Quality Per Dozen ) 142 Plain Slide - Pkt Of 50 2 Lkbi 042 Plain Slide, Size 75X25mm Glass, Thickness 1.35 ( Pk Of 50 ) 143 Cover Slip -Pktof 30 5 Lkbi 005 / 2 Coverslip, ( Pk. Of 10Gm ) , 18Mm, Round 144 Pre Slid - Meosis -Mitosis 1 Lkbi 053 / 8 Prepared Slide For Microscope, Slide Meiosis, Set Of 12 Slides 145 Aceɵc Acidsds 1 A10129 Acetic Acid Glacial - 99.5%, 500 Ml 146 Aceto Carminesds 1 A35671 Acetocarmine, 100 Ml Biology Lab 147 Benedicreagent Sds 1 B20829 Benedicts Reagent Qualitative, 500 Ml 148 Biuretreagent Sds 1 B21671 Biuret Reagent, 125 Ml 149 Blotting Paper 10 Blotting Paper, 18X22 150 151 Chloroformsds 1 C11829 Chloroform - 99%, 500 Ml 152 Eosinesoluɵons Sds 1 E30971 Eosin Yellow Stain Solution 2% W / V, 125 Ml 153 Calcumnitrate 1 C10929 Calcium Nitrate - 98%, 500 Gm 154 Boris Acid 1 B11729 Boric Acid - 99.5%, 500 Gm 155 Sucrose 1 S39929 Sucrose, 500 Gm 156 Cotton Blue 1 L11629 Lactophenol - Cotton Blue M.S., 500 Ml 157 2.4%Acetocalmine 1 A35671 Acetocarmine, 100 Ml 158 Phenolphthalein 1 P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml 159 Safranin 1 S30271 Safranine Stain Solution, 125 Ml 160 Fehling A :Sds 1 F20179 Fehlings Solution No. 1, 500 Ml 161 Fehling B :Sds 1 F20279 Fehlings Solution No. 2, 500 Ml 162 Formaldehudssds 1 F11229 Formaldehyde Solution ( 37 - 41% W / V ) ( Formalin ) , 500 Ml 163 Glycerine Sds 1 G11029 Glycerine ( Glycerol ) - 98%, 500 Ml 164 Hydrochioric Acid Sds 1 H11229 Hydrochloric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) - 35% ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 165 Iodine Solution 1 I51079 Iodine Solution N / 10, 500 Ml 166 Jenus Greensoluɵon 1 J24371 Janus Green Stain Solution, 125 Ml 167 Leishman Bluesds 1 L10475 Leishmans Stain Solution ( Stain And Solvent Separate ) , 250 Ml 168 Methyleneblus Sds 1 M31971 Methylene Blue Aqueous 1% W / V, 125 Ml 169 Millonsreagent Sds 1 M22671 Millons Reagent ( For Protein ) , 125 Ml 170 Postassiumbisulphate Sds 1 P12229 Potassium Bisulphate - 99% ( Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 171 Starch Powdersds 1 S14329 Starch Soluble, 500 Gm 172 Sulphuric Acid:Pil 1 S56079 Sulphuric Acid N / 10, 500 Ml 173 Xulene 1 X10229 Xylene Rectified - 99%, 500 Ml 174 Ganongsrespirometer 1 Lkbin15 Ganongs Respirometer, B.G. ( With Stand ) 175 Wire Gauge 3 Lkch 071 / 2 Wire Gauge, With Frame & Asbestos Centre 176 P.H Paper 3 I41056 Indicator Paper Ph 1-14 ( Full Range ) , 200 Is 177 Dropper 12 Lkpi 006 / 2 ( A ) Dropper Glass With Teat, Rubber Teat, 6 178 Tripod Stand 6 Lkch 068 / 4 Tripod Stand, 8 ( Heavy Quality ) 179 Ammonium Hydroxidc 3 A11679 Ammonia Solution Sp.Gr.0.91 ( 25% Nh3 ) ( Ammonium Hydroxide ) ( Suitable For Mirror Manufacturing Also ) , 500 Ml 180 Bar Foedssoluɵon 1 B20171 Barfoeds Reagent, 125 Ml 181 Bile Salt 1 B10517 Bile Salt Bacteriological, 100 Gm 182 Cobaltchloride Paper 1 C40356 Cobalt Chloride Test Paper, 200 Ls 183 Gential Violet 1 G30909 Gentian Violet Powder ( Dye Content-88 % ) , 25 Gm 184 1 Nepthol 1 N10117 Naphthol Alpha ( 1 - Naphthol ) , 100 Gm 185 Nitric Acid 1 N10730 Nitric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -70 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 186 Phenol Redsoluɵon 1 P40671 Phenol Red Solution, 125 Ml 187 Phenolphthele Ne 1 P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml ( Note: Item Also Quoted Above In #82 ) 188 Postassiumchoride 1 P11829 Potassium Chloride - 99.5%, 500 Gm 189 Postassiumdichromate 1 P12129 Potassium Dichromate - 99.5%, 500 Gm 190 Postassium Hydroxide -Pellets 1 P12529 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets - 85%, 500 Gm 191 Sodiumchloride 1 S12229 Sodium Chloride - 99.5%, 500 Gm 192 Sulpher -Finay 1 S14529 Sulphur Powder - 99.5%, 500 Gm 193 Suphosalicylic Acid 250 1 S14417 Sulphosalicylic Acid - 99%, 100 Gm 194 Maize Leaf 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Maize Leaf 195 Maize Root 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Maize Root 196 Sunflower Leat 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Sunflower Leat 197 Sunflowerstem 1 Lkbin 04 Class Work Material Sunflower Stem 198 Wash Bottle 25 Polylab 36602 Wash Bottle 250 Ml 199 Beaker Borosiucate 1000Ml 2 Lkch 112 / 5 Beaker Graduated, B.G., 1000Ml 200 Burette Stend Rod And Plate 20 201 Burette 50 Ml Bsg Stop Cock 20 202 Beacker 100 Ml Polylab 20 203 Beacker 50Ml Polylab 50 204 Test Tube Holder Wooden Handle 15 205 Conical Flask 250Ml Bsg 20 206 Pippette 10 Ml Volumeteric Bsg 20 207 Reagent Bottle 250Ml N.M Soda Glass 10 208 Measuring Cyl. 10 Ml Polylab 10 209 Measuring Cyl. 50 Ml Polylab 5 210 Measuring Jug ( 2 Liter ) 4 211 Glass Dropper 12 Inch 15 212 Glass Dropper 6 Inch 10 Chemistry 213 Watch Glass ( 2 Inch ) 10 214 Watch Glass ( Inch ) 10 215 Platinum Wire 25 216 Blow Pipe Ss 10 217 Spactula Ss 10 218 Spactula Plastic 10 219 Thermo Meter Alcohol 5 220 Thermo Meter Mercure 5 221 Glass Rod ( 12 Inch ) 15 222 Stirrer ( 6 Inch ) 10 223 Dropping Bottle 60Ml 10 224 Acetic Acid Glacial ( 500Ml ) 1 225 Ph Indicator Papers Ph ( 2-10.5 With Colour Scale ) 1 226 Ph Paper 1 227 Potassium Permanganate 500Gm 1 228 Filter Paper Sheets 1 Size ( 460Mm * 570Mm Sheet ) 25 229 Funnel Plastic -3 25 Polylab 57202 Analytical Funnel 75 Mm 230 Tripod Stand ; Heavy 20 Lkch 068 / 4 Tripod Stand, 8 ( Heavy Quality ) 231 Volumetric Flask 250Ml 25 Lkch 139 / 4 Volumetric Flask ( Measuring Flask ) , B.G., 250Ml 232 Measurins Cylinder 250 Ml ( Plastic ) 2 Polylab 80035 Measuring Cylinder 250 Ml ( Hexagonal ) 233 Measurins Cylinder 100 Ml ( Plastic ) 2 Polylab 80034 Measuring Cylinder 100 Ml ( Hexagonal ) 234 Burner With Stop Cock 5 Lkch 009 / 2 Bunsen Burner ( Brass Pipe 150Mm & Dia.12Mm ) Superior, With Stop Cock ( Heavy Base ) . 235 Wire Gauge 25 Lkch 071 / 2 Wire Gauge, With Frame & Asbestos Centre 236 Droper With Teat For Reasent Bottle ( 250Ml ) 10 Lkpi 006 / 2 ( A ) Dropper Glass With Teat, Rubber Teat, 6 237 Methyloranse Sds 2 M41471 Methyl Orange Solution, 125 Ml. 238 Phenolphthele Ne Sds 2 P40871 Phenolphthalein Solution, 125 Ml 239 Acetion Acid Sds ( 500Ml ) 2 A10129 Acetic Acid Glacial - 99.5%, 500 Ml 240 Distilled Water W / Carboy 20 Ltr 1 D15051 D.M. Water ( Deionised Water ) , 5 L 241 Hydrochloric Acid Sds ( 500 Ml ) 4 H11229 Hydrochloric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) - 35% ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 242 Nitri Acid Sds ( 500Ml ) 4 N10730 Nitric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -70 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 243 Oxclic Acid Sds ( 500 Gm ) 2 O10229 Oxalic Acid - 99.5%, 500 Gm 244 Potassium Hydroxied - Flakes Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 P12429 Potassium Hydroxide Flakes - 85%, 500 Gm 245 Sodium Bicarbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S11929 Sodium Bicarbonate - 99% ( Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate ) , 500 Gm 246 Sodium Carbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S12029 Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous - 99.5%, 500 Gm 247 Sodium Hydroxied - Flakes Sds ( 500Gm ) 2 S12829 Sodium Hydroxide Flakes - 96%, 500 Gm 248 Sulphuric Acid Sds ( 500Gm ) 4 S15130 Sulphuric Acid ( Thermocole Pack ) -97 % ( Pack Of 4X500 Ml ) ( For Safety Purpose Pack Is Provided ) 249 Ammonium Carbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A14129 Ammonium Carbonate - 30% Nh, 500 Gm 250 Ammonium Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A11929 Ammonium Chloride - 99%, 500 Gm 251 Ammonium Molybdate Sds ( 50Gm ) 1 A12717 Ammonium Molybdate - 98%, 100 Gm 252 Ammonium Oxlate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 A13129 Ammonium Oxalate - 99%, 500 Gm 253 Ammonium Sulphate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A13329 Ammonium Sulphate - 98.5%, 500 Gm 254 Barium Nitrate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 B10729 Barium Nitrate - 98%, 500 Gm 255 Calcium Sulphate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 C11129 Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate - 98.5%, 500 Gm 256 Ferric Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 F10329 Ferric Chloride Anhydrous - 96%, 500 Gm 257 Lead Acetated Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 L10129 Lead Acetate - 99%, 500 Gm 258 Magnesium Chloride Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 M10129 Magnesium Chloride - 97%, 500 Gm 259 Magnesium Sulphate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 M10329 Magnesium Sulphate - 99%, 500 Gm 260 Magnesium Chloride Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 Magnesium Chloride Sds ( 500 Gm ) 261 Potassium Bromide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P14129 Potassium Bromide - 98.5%, 500 Gm 262 Potassium Chromate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P11929 Potassium Chromate - 99%, 500 Gm 263 Potassium Ferrocymide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P12929 Potassium Ferrocyanide - 99%, 500 Gm 264 Potassium Ferricymide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P12325 Potassium Ferricyanide - 99%, 250 Gm 265 Potassium Iodide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 P14317 Potassium Iodide - 99%, 100 Gm 266 Potassium Pyroantimonat E Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 P10217 Potassium Pyroantimonate - 99%, 100 Gm 267 Potassium Thiocynate Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 P13639 Potassium Thiocyanate - 98%, 500 Gm 268 Potassium Phosphate Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 P12629 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate, 500 Gm 269 Sliver Nitrate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 S42005 Silver Nitrate - 99.8%, 10 Gm 270 Sodium Bicarbonate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S11929 Sodium Bicarbonate - 99% ( Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate ) , 500 Gm 271 Sodium Bromide Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 S11709 Sodium Bromide - 99%, 500 Gm 272 Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 S13129 Di-Sodium Hydrogen Orthophosphate Anhydrous-99 % ( Sodium Phosphate Dibasic ) , 500 Gm 273 Sodium Hydroxide Sds ( 500Gm ) 2 S12929 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets - 97%, 500 Gm 274 Zinc Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 Z10329 Zinc Chloride Anhydrous - 95%, 500 Gm 275 Zinc Sulphate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 Z10729 Zinc Sulphate - 99%, 500 Gm 276 Barium Chloride Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 B10329 Barium Chloride - 99%, 500 Gm 277 Cadminm Nitrate ( 100 Gm ) 1 C10217 Cadmium Nitrate - 99%, 100 Gm 278 Copper Sulphate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 C12929 Cupric Sulphate ( Copper Sulphate ) -98.5%, 500 Gm 279 Ferrous Ammine Sulphate ( 500G M ) 1 A12429 Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate - 98.5% ( Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 280 Ferrous Sulphate ( 500Gm ) 1 F10729 Ferrous Sulphate - 98%, 500 Gm 281 Lead Nitrate ( 100Gm ) 1 L30329 Lead Nitrate - 99%, 500 Gm 282 Picri Acid ( 500 Gm ) 1 Item 16910-500Gm, Picric Acid Lr-500Gm 283 Potassium Dichromate ( 500Gm ) 1 P12129 Potassium Dichromate - 99.5%, 500 Gm 284 Potassium Oxaite ( 500Gm ) 1 P13229 Potassium Oxalate - 99%, 500 Gm 285 Potassium Permenganate ( 500Gm ) 1 P13429 Potassium Permanganate - 99%, 500 Gm 286 Acetamide Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A10025 Acetamide - 97%, 250 Gm 287 Acetone Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 A10529 Acetone - 99%, 500 Ml 288 Aniline ( 500Gm ) 1 A10629 Aniline - 99%, 500 Ml 289 Benzaldehyde Sds ( 500 Gm ) 2 B11479 Benzaldehyde - 98%, 500 Ml 290 Benzamide Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 B11125 Benzamide - 98%, 250 Gm 291 Benzyl Alcohol Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 B11679 Benzyl Alcohol - 99%, 500 Ml 292 Chlorobenzen E Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 M11629 Chlorobenzene ( Monochlorobenzene ) - 99%, 500 Ml 293 Chloroform Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 C11829 Chloroform - 99%, 500 Ml 294 Ethyl Acetate Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 E11429 Ethyl Acetate - 99%, 500 Ml 295 Fehling A Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 F20179 Fehlings Solution No. 1, 500 Ml 296 Fehling B Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 F20279 Fehlings Solution No. 2, 500 Ml 297 Liquer Ammonia Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 A11689 Ammonia Solution 10% ( 10% Nh3 ) , 500 Ml 298 Meta Oi -Nitro Benzene ( 500Gm ) 1 D41317 M-Dinitro Benzene ( 1, 3 Dinitro Benzene ) -98%, 250 Gm 299 Methyl Acetatde Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 M12429 Methyl Acetate - 99%, 500 Ml 300 Napthelene Sds ( 500Gm ) 1 N10329 Naphthalene Powder - 99%, 500 Gm 301 Nitro Benzene Sds ( 500 Gm ) 1 N11579 Nitrobenzene - 99%, 500 Ml 302 Phenol Sds ( 500 Gm ) 2 P10429 Phenol ( Carbolic Acid ) - 99%, 500 Gm 303 Resorcinol Sds ( 250Gm ) 1 R11217 Resorcinol - 99%, 100 Gm 304 Soudium Cobalti Nitrate ( 100 Gm ) 1 S12617 Sodium Cobaltinitrite - 95%, 100 Gm 305 Soudium Nitropruside Sds ( 100 Gm ) 1 S13617 Sodium Nitroprusside - 99%, 100 Gm 306 Aluminium Chloride ( 500 Gm ) 1 A15025 Aluminium Chloride Anhydrous - 98%, 250 Gm 307 Bromin ( 500 Ml ) 1 Item 12950-250Ml, Bromine Lr-250Ml 308 Sodium Suphide ( 500 Gm ) 1 S16329 Sodium Sulphide Flakes - 55%, 500 Gm 309 Calcium Hydroxide ( 500Gm ) 1 C11529 Calcium Hydroxide - 95%, 500 Gm 310 Urea ( 500Gm ) 1 U10229 Urea - 99%, 500 Gm 311 Hydrogen Peroxide ( 500 Gm ) 2 H10729 Hydrogen Peroxide 100 Vol. ( 30% W / V ) , 500 Ml 312 Carbon Tetrachloride ( 500Ml ) 1 Item 13430-500Ml, Carbon Tetrachloride Lr-500Ml 313 Nessler Reagent 2 N20271 Nesslers Reagent ( For Detection Of Ammonia & Ammonium Salts ) , 125 Ml 314 Ammonium Sulphide 1 Item 12270-500Ml Ammonium Sulphide Solution 20% 500Ml 315 Ammonium Acetate 1 A11829 Ammonium Acetate - 96%, 500 Gm 316 Methanol 500 Ml 2 M12029 Methanol ( Methyl Alcohol ) Acetone Free ( Suitable For Stains & Indicators ) - 99%, 500 Ml 317 Ethnol 500 Ml 2 Testing Solution, 500Ml 318 Ninhydrin 500 Ml 2 N40971 Ninhydrin Solution, 125 Ml 319 Ceric Ammonium Nitate 2 A15617 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate - 98%, 100 Gm 320 Schiff Reagent 2 S26071 Schiffs Reagent ( For Detection Of Aldehydes ) , 125 Ml 321 2, 4-Dnp 2 D10809 2, 4 - Dinitro Phenylhydrazine, 25 Gm 322 Sodium Nitrite 2 S15729 Sodium Nitrite - 96%, 500 Gm 323 1 -Napthol 2 N10117 Naphthol Alpha ( 1 - Naphthol ) , 100 Gm 324 Aluminium Sulphate 1 A11429 Aluminium Sulphate - 98%, 500 Gm 325 Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate 2 P12229 Potassium Bisulphate - 99% ( Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate ) , 500 Gm 326 Starch 500Gm 2 S14329 Starch Soluble, 500 Gm 327 Tollens Reagent 2 T33271 Tollens Reagent, 100 Ml 328 Physics Lab Table 1 4Feet Length * 8 Feet Width * 4 Feet Height Table With Electric Pannel Fitting 329 Biology Lab Table 1 4Feet Length * 8 Feet Width * 4 Feet Height Table With Electric Pannel Fitting, Shrink Fitting 330 Chemistry Lab Table 1 4Feet Length * 8 Feet Width * 4 Feet Height Table With Electric Pannel Fitting, Shrink Fitting Gas Line Fitting